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Post by c.j »

I cancelled my account today.

I dont have the time to put into this sim to be up racing where I want. As such I am punished, for want of a better term, to run in rookie series. Every race I have run this week I have been taken out lap one by some rookie ass driver and my safety rating has plummeted from 2.50 (I am not even sure how this number came about, last i knew I was 3.7+ rookie licenced, I came back I am 2.5 D class) to 2.2something.

I am pretty pissed about it all. Basically it is setup for those who can commit that kind of time to it to be able to advance on the merry way, but as I have other commitments I am stuck running with people who i dont really think have too much experience and i suffer for it.

worst bit is i wont receive any money back. excellent.

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Re: iCancelled

Post by Bauer »

to comment quickly - going to d class 2.5 was a promotion. this allowed you to run d class cars no matter what your SR is. Skippy or Late Model depending on what license went to d class
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Re: iCancelled

Post by DarrenM »

Yep, now that you have a D license you can keep running the skippy no matter how low your SR gets. You can't even get demoted back to rookie.

At higher license levels you only get demoted if your SR is < 1 at the end of the season.

If you have time, try to do the qualifying session before each race and make sure it's incident free. It'll give your SR a nice boost and should make up for the occasional bingle in the races.
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Re: iCancelled

Post by c.j »

Skippy was the most fun I had with it...

Radical was awesome, but i wasnt allowed to race it so i was doing lots of practice in skippy.

But i was running sol to keep learning the sim. and it smashed me... easier if i stay away from it. Can't give it the time

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Re: iCancelled

Post by ysu »

That is a shame, Sin.

I don't think it's a good idea to run the Solstice with the rookies at this point though. The SR impact is step-by-step bigger as you keep climbing the ranks, rookies can get away with far more than D licence holders. Plus, the rookies have yet to learn to control the cars, and keep their distances.

The commitment it takes is about half an hour to one hour a day of praccy I reckon. That's more than enough to get you up to very good levels - but you need to give it time, certainly.

I guess a lot of people are finding themselves on completely new grounds with the promotions, too (unless they've raced up previously) - and that can be a cause of some accidents. Keep in mind that pretty much everyone here had bad streaks.

However, racing down in rookie comps is asking for trouble in my opinion.
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Re: iCancelled

Post by gasking »

Sin i hear ya.

Ysu to be competitive in the skip to me feels impossible unless ure playing all the time. for instance on the current track i have to risk crazy SR negitiveness if i wana do a 1.51 (which from the 2 races seems to still be sht). When guys like darren are doing 1.47s. Thats just a insane gap.

Theres too few people racing to get placed in a group the same speed. I think i had my first race this week where i wasnt lapped by the end of the race.

To have a race up the front u goto race with the rookies which is what im guessing Sin was doing.

I was at ure point a while back Sin. u goto relax and just enjoy the experience and embrace not being on the pace.
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Re: iCancelled

Post by ysu »

Errm...Darren is a top world-class driver, take a look where he finished last season. I'm sure we all would like to be that good, but that's just not possible.

I think the biggest problem (getting lapped, etc) is the low number of racers. If the number were high enough, you could pretty much race in your own division. But I'm starting to feel it's never gonna happen. :(
There's just not enough people in the world to fork out this much money on a niche game, which obviously lacks in some areas still. And by the time they finish developing those missing features half of the current drivers will have had enough. With each season the members are fractured further into sub-divisions, while the total numbers aren't raising...this will add to the frustration of the wildly mixed fields.

I think they are still in a position to pull it together - it has only started a few months ago after all - but they have to put it together quickly to retain the momentum, otherwise it's going to go on a slippery slope, sadly.
If they release one new feature every quarter, it's just not going to be enough for this money. And somehow I'm afraid this is the pace, they are seemingly working with a very small programmer team (as usual). :(

They could of course reduce the price, or offer sweeteners, but I'm afraid that's not gonna happen either.

I'm hoping for the best, still, but if nothing changes I predict a huge fall in membership in a year when the current ones run out.
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Re: iCancelled

Post by Santaria »

ysu wrote:Errm...Darren is a top world-class driver, take a look where he finished last season. I'm sure we all would like to be that good, but that's just not possible.

I think the biggest problem (getting lapped, etc) is the low number of racers. If the number were high enough, you could pretty much race in your own division. But I'm starting to feel it's never gonna happen. :(
There's just not enough people in the world to fork out this much money on a niche game, which obviously lacks in some areas still. And by the time they finish developing those missing features half of the current drivers will have had enough. With each season the members are fractured further into sub-divisions, while the total numbers aren't raising...this will add to the frustration of the wildly mixed fields.

I think they are still in a position to pull it together - it has only started a few months ago after all - but they have to put it together quickly to retain the momentum, otherwise it's going to go on a slippery slope, sadly.
If they release one new feature every quarter, it's just not going to be enough for this money. And somehow I'm afraid this is the pace, they are seemingly working with a very small programmer team (as usual). :(

They could of course reduce the price, or offer sweeteners, but I'm afraid that's not gonna happen either.

I'm hoping for the best, still, but if nothing changes I predict a huge fall in membership in a year when the current ones run out.
If it's not already on a decline as it is. Unfortunately for us Aussies, the fact that we can't organize leagues, or servers to be on, it really does split us up as a community. The yanks probably aren't have as much trouble with the game as we are. It's probably a bit of short sightedness from the iRacing team to not really cater for anyone outside of the US. With the Aussie dollar the way it is, plus the added cost of tracks and cars, they really do need to find a better way to sell their product to others.
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Re: iCancelled

Post by DarrenM »

Santaria wrote:Unfortunately for us Aussies, the fact that we can't organize leagues, or servers to be on, it really does split us up as a community.
Our whole problem is that we are already too split up as a community. Only a handful of us actually use the international club forum. I can only assume the rest all stick to their previous groups like here, asrg etc.

If we had an Australasia Club I'm sure we'd be doing a lot better as a group, because the only way this is going to work for us with all the different series available is if we get organised as a single community, and that's not going to happen with the way things are at the moment.

Around 90 AU+NZ drivers have raced this week but if you tried to judge it by the number in the races this week you'd probably think there were about 10. We're spread out too much, all just doing our own thing which makes the racing crap.

We can't organise our own leagues, but we'd all be a lot better off if we ran as one, with the emphasis on "one".
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Re: iCancelled

Post by Bauer »

DarrenM wrote: If we had an Australasia Club I'm sure we'd be doing a lot better as a group, because the only way this is going to work for us with all the different series available is if we get organised as a single community, and that's not going to happen with the way things are at the moment.
so why arent we working as one? What do we need to do to ensure the longevity for Aussie iRacers? Do we need to all be congregating in the 1 spot outside of iRacings forums (in a new 'Claytons Club' while we wait for a club of our own (which may never happen) or do we need to actually be more active in the iForums (Club Inter does nothing much for me as a club to call home)

any chance I get I point Aussie sim racers here for their dose of Aussie accented chit chat. Are others doing the same?

Darren - how goes AOR? hasnt been much said in their public forums for a while. They still going strong? are many of them iRacing?
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Re: iCancelled

Post by c.j »

thanks for the replies,

I wasnt sure about posting about it, thought it might have been the equivalent of lighting a cigar whilst walking into a napalm factory...

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Re: iCancelled

Post by gasking »

you make wikd points guys, maybe we should organise every season a series to do and set a race time to join?
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Re: iCancelled

Post by Santaria »

Bauer wrote:
DarrenM wrote: If we had an Australasia Club I'm sure we'd be doing a lot better as a group, because the only way this is going to work for us with all the different series available is if we get organised as a single community, and that's not going to happen with the way things are at the moment.
so why arent we working as one? What do we need to do to ensure the longevity for Aussie iRacers? Do we need to all be congregating in the 1 spot outside of iRacings forums (in a new 'Claytons Club' while we wait for a club of our own (which may never happen) or do we need to actually be more active in the iForums (Club Inter does nothing much for me as a club to call home)

any chance I get I point Aussie sim racers here for their dose of Aussie accented chit chat. Are others doing the same?

Darren - how goes AOR? hasnt been much said in their public forums for a while. They still going strong? are many of them iRacing?
Yeah, even though I'm not racing for iRacing at the moment, if it comes up in conversation or someone asks me where to gather for a decent racing sim (and lets be honest, iRacing sim is a fucking good sim physics etc etc wise, some things aren't implemented that SHOULD be in my opinion) I always point them to ARSE. Whether they are lurkers or not is a different story, or whether they listen as well. ARSE is a 2nd home to many, especially us sim racing nerd burgers. I'm with you though with the International forums, it's not really "us" so to speak.

I also point in this direction if anything else comes up in regards to sims, LFS as well.
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Re: iCancelled

Post by wobblysauce »

/agree .. more like AAL MNR and the such that had their nights and times to race to do the same but in iRacing (say Road and Oval night) making sure everyone had them on their List and most likely all be in the same race depending on numbers, but the only thing people won’t be able to do is pick a random car and track and say were doing this because of licensing but you could just follow what they’re doing every week a difference track but same car, the bad thing about that is not every one has been able to get the jump on the world so there not class B/C/D which ever you want to race at and you can’t change that till the end of the season any way, if things start to hit it off you tell other Australasian to join at said day/nights and build up the community there
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Re: iCancelled

Post by DarrenM »

Bauer wrote:so why arent we working as one? What do we need to do to ensure the longevity for Aussie iRacers? Do we need to all be congregating in the 1 spot outside of iRacings forums (in a new 'Claytons Club' while we wait for a club of our own (which may never happen) or do we need to actually be more active in the iForums (Club Inter does nothing much for me as a club to call home)
We'll never get enough of us congregating in a single forum outside iRacing to make a difference and as you point out, International Club doesn't do anything for pretty much everyone in it. We try to organize aussie race nights there, but very few respond. The only way I can see it having any chance is for us to have a club for our own region so that all the different groups can come together.

I've tried to get guys to come to this forum as well, but I think the name puts them off :)

It's also why I started a thread suggesting we be able to nominate a schedule so that others can see how many they can expect to be racing on a given night, but even though it was posted in the main forum it didn't get a single response. I think it would be a big help to us.

AOR is pretty much dead. The numbers dwindled, then all the guys that were running it got jack of the no-shows and ended up going to iRacing :)
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Re: iCancelled

Post by Tim Wheatley »

Obviously I'm sad to see a member go... But I laughed at "iCancelled" :)
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Re: iCancelled

Post by ysu »

Agreed, Darren. That aussie club would be really good to have. I don't understand why can't we have it to be honest...
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Re: iCancelled

Post by c.j »

ok, i have been playing with the skippy and it has changed my view a fair bit... so I didn't cancel. I couldnt bring myself to hit the button after spending the money for the sub

I have had a smile on my face all evening since never running at VIR before and hanging the skippy out learning the track. I have checked the timing sheets from a few of you lads, ok I am not fast, but happy with the pace I found early.

I am using a setup from international forums.

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Re: iCancelled

Post by ysu »

Surprise, no sig. Now there is. Or is there?
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Re: iCancelled

Post by Simone Gelli »

Sin wrote:ok, i have been playing with the skippy and it has changed my view a fair bit... so I didn't cancel. I couldnt bring myself to hit the button after spending the money for the sub

I have had a smile on my face all evening since never running at VIR before and hanging the skippy out learning the track. I have checked the timing sheets from a few of you lads, ok I am not fast, but happy with the pace I found early.

I am using a setup from international forums.
Very good sin,if i made it, ,with a bit of dedication ,you can do it too......by the way i am back from holydays i had a great time in victoria :yes:
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Re: iCancelled

Post by c.j »

Very good sin,if i made it, ,with a bit of dedication ,you can do it too......by the way i am back from holydays i had a great time in victoria :yes:
maybe we can race and you can teach me, glad your back mate.

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Re: iCancelled

Post by flagger »

Hooray! My pace seems to be around yours sin, so hopefully we can have some epic battles in the skip :)
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Re: iCancelled

Post by richo »

I keep paying for iRacing although i havent turned a wheel since its opening month, its a great sim but like Sin i havent the regular time slot to commit to it .

So i,m going to flick my account till there's a more Oz centric server arrangement if that ever happens .
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Re: iCancelled

Post by Exar Kun »

If I could suspend my account I would. As it is I've managed a couple of time trials in the trucks this season but the road courses are too hard at the moment. I'll get my requirements done this season and my SRs are luckily already high enough to get through to next season so hopefully by the time the next season rocks around i'll be fit and ready to race again!
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Re: iCancelled

Post by c.j »

that is where I am lacking...

and i was actually loving the Skippy and the races available... but due to recent hiccups i have missed the first weeks of the season... lol... I need to just get some tt's and such done so i can bump up my SR and practice.

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