Cadel leaves Lotto...

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Cadel leaves Lotto...

Post by norbs »

... and goes to a team he thinks he will fit in well with.

Cadel's latest news...
Sunday, 1 November 2009

Yes, it is true... BMC! I have chosen to ride with the BMC Racing Team for 2010 and beyond. A small but growing team of experienced staff and riders that I see has a lot of potential, and a mentality that fits nicely with my own, both on a sporting, technical and social level. I look forward to working with a new team, in a new environment, towards my same goals; honouring the Rainbow jersey at the highest level of the sport, and ultimately at the highest step of the Tour de France podium.

I would like to thank the Silence-Lotto team for the opportunities they have given me. The last five years have brought some great experiences whilst working alongside some great individuals. Thank you.

I see Hincapie, Ballan and Kroon are there already, but do BMC even have a Pro Tour license? I can't say I remember them racing in any GT. Its a puzzle. With Radio Shack coming in, there will be 2 teams missing from last years field I imagine.
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Re: Cadel leaves Lotto...

Post by Duke »

It's a good move I reckon, staying with Lotto was never going to get him any further. At least @ BMC he will be the one true leader for their GT campaigns with great support from George & Ballan. That is if they are happy to do so. GH will be their one-day Classic leader and Ballan will also get opportunities through the season. My only concern is they need better supporting riders under them.
Yes norbs no Pro-Tour license but I am sure they will either get one or obtain wildcards into the races that matter. There is no way Cadel would have moved without some assurance. Surely???

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Re: Cadel leaves Lotto...

Post by Gizmo »

I thought cadel was going to end up at SKY...
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