Next Car Game: Wreckfest

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Dukester Maldonado
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Duke »

DarrenM wrote:
norbs wrote:I am not going to say anything yet about the update, but I will be interested to see what people say on Friday night.
I haven't tried it yet but the steam forum has been entertaining. Lots of rage about the DLC. Then rage about the physics and demanding the patch be rolled back. Then it turns out the physics didn't actually change.
Hahaha, yes I have been watching the steam thread & the selling out to consoles comments.
Funny about the physics as I felt they had changed in the 1 race I did but like I said I haven't driven enough to know conclusively.
I would say the graphics appear way more "gamey" than they were, which detracts it a fair bit for me.

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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Duke »

Dear all,

We realize there has been quite a lot of controversy surrounding the recent major update of the game. We wanted to use this opportunity to respond to some of the criticism and try to explain our rationale behind the changes. It's been a while since the last game update, and it's only natural that during this time we've been tweaking some things the way we felt was the best for the game. You might feel like some of these things we've changed have not been for the better, and if that is the case, you should definitely voice your concern like many of you have already done. By now you should know that we're always open to feedback, and as a matter of fact, if you look into this the other way we need to be grateful to have such a passionate community!

First of all, the vehicle handling physics. Except for some fine-tuning and balancing that really shouldn't be all that noticeable unless you really went looking for them, the handling physics are virtually untouched between this version and the previous Steam release. If you do find the handling is different, first do the obvious thing and check that you are using the same driving assists as before and your controller settings are the same as previously. If you have deleted (or have had to delete) your save data, they won't be the same.

That said – if you still feel like something has changed then probably you are right. Since we know for a fact that any changes in the vehicle physics probably isn't the cause (unless you're all extremely detail-oriented!), it's now our job to find out what it is. To do that, we would love to hear more feedback: In what specific situations you can notice the difference? Is that with a specific car? In multiplayer or single player? Do you think it could be the car camera (it was changed)? Any additional details you can give might help us root out the cause.

Another controversial topic is the realistic damage mode. To encourage crashing, it was changed in the update so that the attacker (i.e. the damage dealer) receives only a fraction of the damage as opposed to the previous iteration, in which the damage was divided neutrally. We feel like the change makes sense gameplay wise, but we do realize that fans of the previous setup are disappointed, so we have decided to revert it back to how it was.

Thirdly, rubberbanding. It was indeed adjusted to make sure the player sees action around them at all times, so currently the AI does tend to pack around the player whereas previously, overtaking the leading car often resulted in the player hotlapping (i.e. racing alone) the rest of the race. We do realize some players might find the current tactic unrewarding, so in the next update we will be doing some tweaks in the hopes that we might find a golden middle ground that pleases everyone.

Other than those main issues, we also realize the game currently has some bugs that we aware of. For example, the game crashing upon launching, random disconnections in multiplayer when track is changing, difficulties in creating a server in-game, admins getting kicked out of their own server, as well as other more minor issues. We are actively looking at addressing these issues as soon as we can, so please stay tuned.

In any case – the show must go on so first hotfix soon!

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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by norbs »

1.1gig download this morning.
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Re: RE: Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by smithcorp »

norbs wrote:
smithcorp wrote:I just picked this up, based on a bit of a play on norbs' machine...

Friday night Smiss!
Sadly not this week. Sailing club dinner with the daughter and the post folk at C YCA

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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Duke »

Dear all,
We have released the first hotfix for the major update launched earlier this week, containing the following fixes and improvements:

Fixed crash to desktop during startup.
Fixed a crash when typing into the chat.
Fixed a crash in the hardware setup when previously saved video mode is no longer available.
Fixed a crash when attempting to install a specific RoadSlayer fender style.

Disabled attacker's advantage for the realistic damage mode, effectively restoring Summer 2018 mode.
For Novice and Amateur AI difficulty, reverted AI rubberbanding to Summer 2018 settings.
Increased the chance of AI raceline mistakes for Novice and Amateur AI difficulty.
Disabled rubberbanding for Expert AI difficulty.
Made Supervan easier to control especially with a keyboard.
Reverted the default camera to what it was in the Summer 2018 build.

Results overlay is no longer shown when pressing D-Pad Down in the Photo Mode/Replay screen.
Useless slider functionality for input testers in the Settings menu is now disabled.
Reduced the amount of dirt in the loading screens.
Restored previous outside scene for the main menu.
Restored early supporter AI names.

Implemented adaptive client prediction for cars nearest to the player, yielding more precise car-to-car collisions.
Fixed a bug that caused reduced visual deformation for clients.
Joining an empty (for example, newly-created) server no longer occasionally results in a disconnection.
Only players still in the loading screen are now ditched in the lobby when the event starts, while those who are already in lobby but have car loading in progress will complete loading while the event starts.
Host/Admin/Moderator can no longer get kicked even when having an invalid car selected or idling during the event.
Added new parameters for the dedicated server, enabling admins to control the event start

Code: Select all

When enabled, the admin determines when the event countdown initiates by setting themselves ready.

Code: Select all

The duration of the countdown, between 30 and 127 seconds.

Code: Select all

The percentage of players required to be ready to initiate automatic countdown, useful for example when no admin is around.

Fixed black edge artifact visible on distant foliage.

Adjusted EQ and volume levels.
Engine audio no longer goes randomly mute.

Bandit now has engines with and without the supercharger (visual only).

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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by pixelboy »

Roll back..

They either have no confidence in the updates they made or are scared of the community.
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by DarrenM »

I think they took things in the console racer direction and the more sim oriented PC crowd told them where to stick it.
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Duke »

Another 1GB update...
Dear all,
We have just pushed out another hotfix, addressing a number of critical issues persisting after the previous hotfix and improving various aspects of the game. In addition to enhanced stability, most importantly this update seeks to improve multiplayer experience by reducing the chance of connection timeouts and restoring client prediction scheme, improving the precision of multiplayer client/server sync and thus reducing warping and other adverse effects of poor sync.
This time around there are no user-configurable parameters for client prediction; instead, the maximum prediction time is capped to 1500 ms to prevent prediction from eating all cpu cycles. However, please be aware that there might be cases when you find your framerate falling in case there's a significant amount of latency and a lot of cars to predict. We are very interested to hear about your experiences so please make sure to give feedback.
Also, please be aware that there are still some cases where you might get disconnected during event loading that seem to be connected to high latency. That said, we are working on further improvements.
Additionally, this hotfix contains many other improvements based on the feedback we've received and we hope you're going to enjoy. Have fun, and don't forget to let us know what you think!


Fixed a crash in the server browser.
Fixed a crash in the user interface renderer.
[MODS] Game no longer crashes when surface info is improperly configured or missing.

Creating a server in-game now works properly.
Restored client prediction for PC. Maximum prediction time is not user-configurable and is capped to 1500 ms.
Essential server info is now displayed in the lobby (click the server message to toggle)
Quick Play now correctly prefers servers with lowest latency.
Toggling ready/unready is now disabled immediately (a second, to be precise) before event start to prevent glitches.
High ping warning threshold is now 1000 ms.
Fixed a glitch in the chat that caused text to disappear.
Fixed chat server message colors.
The proper bubble icon instead of the speaker icon is now used for text chat.
Note: latency shown in the lobby is currently as much as 50% higher than it actually is. The in-game latency is more or less correct, so please use that to judge your connection quality.

Restored shifting logic from the Steam 2018 release, meaning that upshifts occur closer to redline.
Restored tire pressures from the Steam 2018 release so that front and back wheels have more or less the same pressure (and thus, different deflection).
AI now races more loosely and their raceline mistakes are more natural. As previously, the lower the AI Difficulty level, the more prone the AI is to errors.
AI now packs up more tightly.
Killerbee AI is now more competitive.

Steering wheel is now animated for AI cars as well.
Steering wheel of AI cars now follows deform (prevents the floating steering wheel syndrome).
Fixed Motorhome engine parts and materials.


On Deathloop, the car can be no longer reset on the edge of the ramp when exiting the loop.
Added fence in front of the spectators on the banks of Espedalen so that cars going off-road hit the fence instead of resetting after hitting spectators.
The cars should no longer get abruptly reset when crashing into the spectators in the Hilltop Stadium (at least not as easily as previously).
Hitting parked vehicles on Big Valley Stadium no longer causes a reset, and the vehicles have proper collisions.
A number of additional, non-specified optimization and collision improvements.

Adjusted the main menu camera views and tones for a more atmospheric aesthetics.

Increased rumble intensity for Xbox gamepad.

Paint jobs and liveries no longer add to the vehicle price.

Music now continues to play over online track change when in-game music is disabled.
Fixed surface audio effect for sliding.
Properly balanced AI volume levels.
Master volume tweaks.

Fixed a number of French and Spanish strings that appeared in incorrect language.
Implemented improved Hungarian localization courtesy of János Barta.

BagEditor is now able to open and cast certain legacy files that previously resulted in the editor crashing.
Modifying AI names will no longer trigger anti-tamper protection.
Swapping the FFB profile will no longer trigger anti-tamper protection.

norbs diplomacy lesson 101: "If I was putting words in your mouth, you'd know."
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Duke »


Reduced multiplayer latency.
Audio for remote cars no longer stutters.
The currently running prediction phase is now completed when switching to dead reckoning.
Improved client smoothing, reducing the stuttering of the remote cars (previously especially noticeable when viewed from the side).
Doubled the number of configurable op_steam_ids.

In the "Hateful Eight" career event, the AI can no longer use Class B cars.
AI now uses maxed out Class A cars in the final parts of the career and randomly during custom events.

Fixed Motorhome tire damage that caused the wheels to occasionally glitch.
Fixed a number of incorrect value references.

Fixed an antiportal glitch visible in the Motorcity reverse layout.

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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by DarrenM »

It's currently 60% off on steam. $24 for the base game. $52 with the season pass,
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Duke »

Bugbear Entertainment have made available their third DLC offering for Wreckfest - the 'Backwood Bangers' car pack.
Containing three brand new cars to the impressive smash and crash racing game, the Backwood Bangers DLC contains a nice collection of very, very different types of racing machine for the game. From the classic American Hot Rod style Outlaw, to what is essentially a toilet on a golf kart in the form of the Honey Pot - the Backwood Bangers DLC certainly keeps up the quirky traditions of the game.Available either as part of the current Season Pass offer from Bugbear, or as a standalone car pack for A$5.95, the new DLC is available to purchase now.

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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Duke »

Wreckfest have also released a rather nice looking new update to the game - including adding two new circuits in the form of the Drytown Desert and Rockfield Roughspot, a rallycross and dirt speedway respectively.

Update Notes:

Added two new tracks: Drytown Desert and Rockfield Roughspot.

Optimized loading times.
Added Steam Achievements. Except for "Rocketeer" (Reach 210 Km/h (130 Mph) With Rocket), already achieved ones will unlock retrospectively upon launching the game.
Added support for Steam Cloud. Note that the game's save data is now located in "Documents/My Games/wreckfest" (old save data will be copied over in the first-time launch).
Improved mesh particle culling, improving framerate especially in events featuring large vehicles.
Glow particles no longer appear completely white.

Added a third damage mode that some have been requesting: "Intense". This is same as the "Realistic" mode with which the console versions launched, in other words, "Realistic" with attacker's advantage enabled.
Added an AI Set for Limo.
Added Big Rig and Limo to the "Special Mix" AI Set.
Increased Wingman strength.
Reduced Limo strength slightly.
Taking the loop on "Deathloop" no longer causes damage to the car.
Improved Honey Pot panel damage so that panels get detached correctly.
Wheels no longer clip the fenders of Venom as easily.
Wheels no longer clip the fenders of Outlaw as easily.
Lawnmower and other small vehicles are no longer invincible against small to medium nudges.
Improved AI raceline on various tracks.

Added improved iconography to the garage user interface.
Added new, unique icons for armor and visual upgrade parts.
Added upgrade tier icons for performance parts.
In career heat races, event specific loading screen is now displayed also between the heats.
In custom events, the correct AI Set is now displayed after changing the vehicle.
HUD can no longer appear in the main menu after being disconnected from an online session.
Health bar no longer appears full when the player has 1 health point left.

Improved local car prediction precision to reduce input lag.
Increased maximum allowed prediction time for remote cars to reduce warping with high latency.
In lobby, the server name no longer overlaps the track name at the top.
Lobby options are no longer incorrectly grayed out in case the user is in the Tune screen when a track change occurs.
Idling during an online event no longer results in the player being kicked from the server.
Added back the "Add Bot" button to lobby.

Collision effects are more crunchy now.

In-game modding tools now work again.
Modifying minimap settings (bag filetype "mise") no longer trickers anti-tamper protection.

norbs diplomacy lesson 101: "If I was putting words in your mouth, you'd know."
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Duke »

Another 3GB update. :eyepop:
Dear all,

The latest update is now available, containing following improvements:

Optimized mesh particle performance.
Added leaderboards for the two new tracks in the Fall Update.

Added upgrade tier icons for armor and visual upgrade parts as well.
Improved icons of the upgrade parts and replaced inconsistent ones.
In career, changed "Stars" to "Bonus Targets" for consistency reasons.
Health bar no longer shows full health when the player has two points of health left.
Proper button icons are now shown in the user interface when using keyboard and mouse.

Loaner cars are now available in custom events as well.
Added new racing and demolition derby loaner cars.
Both Sofa Car and Harvester can be loaned now too.
Visual props no longer get detached from the slightest nudge.
Motorhome suspension no longer glitches out after taking damage.
In career, "Sandpit Showdown" now has the correct number of events.

Input lag reduced.
The player intended by the user is now correctly selected when opening the context menu.
Chat (event log) no longer stops working intermittently.

Happy wrecking!

norbs diplomacy lesson 101: "If I was putting words in your mouth, you'd know."
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

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A new DLC expansion pack for Wreckfest has been released - the 'Steel & Wheels' DLC is available now!
Available now as either standalone DLC for A$2.95 or part of the Wreckfest Season Pass, the new content adds a nice and slightly unusual collection of car armour for the various vehicles within the game - adding around 30 new parts for players to select, purchase and install when out on the tracks within the game.

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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Coopz »

Haven't played this have for 6 months, dam the online racing is hilarious fun, really enjoying it again=)
norbs wrote:
Stop bullying him. You have more birthdays each year than he gets roots!
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by norbs »

Coopz wrote:Haven't played this have for 6 months, dam the online racing is hilarious fun, really enjoying it again=)

Last Friday of each month we play it.,
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Coopz »

norbs wrote:
Coopz wrote:Haven't played this have for 6 months, dam the online racing is hilarious fun, really enjoying it again=)

Last Friday of each month we play it.,

OK noted =)
norbs wrote:
Stop bullying him. You have more birthdays each year than he gets roots!
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by DarrenM »

The holiday update contains the following additions. See for the detailed patch notes.
• Two new free tracks
• Multiplayer event voting
• Player-hosted public servers
Car customization in lobby
... and more!
The new vehicles and the Hellride circuit look good

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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by pixelboy »

Oh man.. Maybe we can have Xmas Wreckfest this Friday?
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by DarrenM »

pixelboy wrote:Oh man.. Maybe we can have Xmas Wreckfest this Friday?

3.9GB update though. Those of us still with potatoNet will need to plan ahead.
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Cutter »

Once you get it.
Good Fub ......
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by pixelboy »


Good Fub..
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Cursed »

I'm up for it.. who needs brakes?
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Dr. Pain »

'Tis the season to be wreaking, fa la la la la, I broke a hip.....
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Re: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

Post by Duke »

Bugbear have deployed their latest update to the Wreckfest videogame alongside a new DLC for the title, this time adding three unique new cars that players can select and race with on the varied different circuits within the game.
The 'Rusty Rats' car pack is the fourth DLC release for the game, and can be purchased either as a standalone piece of content for A$5.95, or comes as part of the existing season pass DLC.

Rusty Rats Car Pack Contents;
Raiden RS: This rear engine 80s coupe is hard to beat on twisty tracks, and being so short also makes it hard to hit!
RebelRat: Finally, some strong American muscle, offering an excellent balance of agility and toughness.
Vandal: As streamlined as a rock, but just as tough. This van is a great choice for any events involving a lot of damage

Wreckfest Update Notes:
Added support for DLC Rusty Rats Car Pack.

Increased robustness of the console window.
Server no longer crashes when "%" character is used anywhere in a message or a username.
All vehicles are no longer shown as "Not Eligible" for the host if "Host's Car" car restriction is set.
UI is now correctly handled whenever player is kicked while in the lobby sub menus.
AI now correctly uses the difficulty settings as set in the lobby options.
(XB1/PS4) Clients can no longer join a server if the owner has already quit.
(PC) AI difficulty can be now configured in the dedicated server settings.
(PC) Clients are now given more time to load the cars during the countdown, reducing lag spikes in the lobby.

Reset effect (car flickering) can now be enabled/disabled in the Settings, Gameplay menu.
On Hellride, it should be no longer possible to drive on top of the steel mesh and cause the game to glitch out.
On Big Valley Speedway Figure 8, it's no longer possible to cut the first lap short.
Track surface information is now correctly displayed for Vale Falls.
Added release delay to digital clutch to prevent shifting exploit (previously you could shift instantly, giving unfair advantage).
In derby events, AI now has better awareness of the arena boundaries, reducing the chance of it smashing blindly into barriers.
AI now uses Roadcutter in Class A.
1st person camera angles now work correctly on Bugzilla.
Exhaust backfire effect now works correctly when "Big Headers" are equipped for Starbeast.
Improved Wardigger suspension setups.

Replaced the engine audio for Hornet.
Loudness balancing of vehicle engine audio.
5.1 surround mixdown and 3D attenuations adjusted for more precise spatial positioning of ai vehicles.
Adjusted concrete wall collision effect asset design to match game engine implementation.

Fixed a rendering issue that resulted in the skidmarks flickering occasionally.
Fixed contact effects for large vehicles such as School Bus and Motorhome.
The player starting credits (10 000 CR) are now correctly awarded when launching the game for the first time.
Credits rewarded during an online session are no longer lost when terminating the game (instead of quitting properly) while in lobby.
Added guards to prevent the save data from becoming corrupt.
(XB1X) Resolution can be now changed in the Settings menu between Full HD and 4K.
(PC) The game now attempts to remove the bogus read-only flag from the save data files that caused the game not to launch.

norbs diplomacy lesson 101: "If I was putting words in your mouth, you'd know."
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