ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

ok, so my race isn't quite the herculean effort of Knappo's but i'm pretty happy with it. :yes:

Miss V and I teamed up for the Fox Creek MTB Duathlon that was run today. An awesome event, which has a pretty good following, but with numbers down a bit due to both a running event (see Knappo's post) and a MTB event on the same day. All the same, in our category (Long course, mixed duo) there were 4 teams. Realistically, we didn't stand much of a chance though. We'd already struck a bit of success however, having won back our entry fees in a random draw, plus a couple of beanies! :)

Miss V did both of our run legs (5.4 km and 2.4 km) while i did the bike leg (2x laps of a 9.5km course).
I was figuring that anything sub-40 per lap is probably ok for me which I managed pretty nicely :) So I'm happy with that.

After the race, and after the bbq ( :D ) there was a random draw for various prizes.. we walked away with a large foam roller :)

There's some drone footage of me in here :)

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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

Epic weekend of Cyclocross last weekend with the opening two rounds of the National Cyclocross Series being held in the Adelaide parklands. The course was both filled with energy sapping mulch, and featured a mud pit. Fortunately, the weather was dry, which meant much less work for the club to do to repair the park after the event!

Saturday was probably the harder of the two days, with the course seeming to need a lot more constant power through the mulch sections. Being age group categories I had no illusions of being near the front, and that's pretty much what happened. Though, I did surprise myself and hang on a bit longer than i thought. I was lapped towards the end of the race, but performance-wise I think i did okay, and left the course feeling pretty happy. No major dramas and stayed upright, unlike a number of others :)

Sundays course was a reverse of Saturday, with a few small tweaks. I personally felt better on this one than the Saturday course, which maybe had me pushing my luck a bit with regard to tyre pressure. The mud pit had dried a bit, making it a bit more sticky, so it was renamed the fudge pit.

Initially things weren't too bad and I was feeling pretty good. Then I had a couple of hard hits on the front tyre on one of the laps which i think burped a bit of air from the tyre. Then later in the lap on a fast grippy hairpin the tyre deflated as the tyre bead peeled away from the rim :/ I didn't crash, but it was a close call! I had to run back to the pits (which reminded me why I hate running!), yelling to V to bring a wheel. Once i got there, V was still racing to get me a spare; but there was a dude with a pump, so we tried pumping the tyre up.. Everything sealed up and I was away! :D unsure whether the rear was also too low i took it a bit more sedately, nursing the bit around the some bits of the course. Then later in the race i managed to drop a chain :rolleyes: . Ultimately, neither of these things actually cost me places and i finished about where i figured i would.. not last, but close to it :)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Had a double header race weekend on the weekend just past.

I had initially entered the South Australian State CX Championships on the Sunday, but having seen that my club was hosting a criterium on the Saturday I thought I should throw my support into that as well.

Technically, the Saturday criterium wasn't officially a race, but rather a training race simulation for the guys and girls competing in the Invictus Games coming up soon in Sydney. I was put in the lowest grade (C-grade) , though the whole group was run together so it sort of didn't matter. I hung on to the front group for about 1/2 of the 30 minute + 2 lap race, but eventually trying to hang onto A-grade regulars put me way into the red zone and I just couldn't hang in there. Strong winds meant that once you lost the wheel, it was a hard task to get back on. I did once, but that too pushed me over the edge and I was gooone! All in all, I think I did okay.. for me. I reckon there's been a definite improvement recently given the extra trainer time I've been doing :)

Sunday was the bigger of the two days racing, though realistically, I had no chance and was just making up the numbers. That said, CX is awesome and there's no way I wouldn't sign up! :P
The course was set on a park we've only used once before for a summer round so it was a bit new for most people. The course was actually really fun for the most part; fast and flowing, then some technical bits thrown in for good measure. I got a ripper start, managing to hit the apex of the first corner first before I was swamped by riders taking the wider line. As the race went on the legs definitely felt fatigued from the Saturday race. I finished as expected, second last; though I stayed upright so i can take that as a win :)

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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

Wild Dog Enduro 2018

Miss V and I headed over to the Eyre Peninsula for the second running of the Wild Dog Enduro held in Whyalla on the slopes of Mount Laura. Conveniently, V's parents live near by so we could also take the time to have a family catch up.

As an event, this is shaping up to be a bit of a winner. Great organisation, great vibe and great trails. Can't ask for more than that. This year they also put on a trail running event the night before (Howling Dog) which sounds like it was very well received.

The course for this year was changed from last year, and while maybe a little harder, I think it was an improvement. :yes: Despite being more difficult, I was aiming for 4 laps within the allocated 3 hours as I did last year. I had a bit more of an idea of the trails this time, so there would be fewer surprises, plus i think my fitness is much improved. There had been a little bit of rain about the place in recent days, but not really enough to consolidate the dusty and sandy trails.

I got a pretty reasonable start, though got held up with a number of people who possible started closer to the front than they ought to. Coming to the first few slight climbs there were people jumping off all over the place and walking. I managed to stay on and ride past however :D

My general race plan was to take it easier on lap 1 while the trails were potentially crowded and build up a bit of speed over the remaining laps. I was expecting lap times around the 40 minute mark which would get me to my goal with a little bit to spare.

Overall, lap 1 felt pretty good. Lap time just under 43 minutes, which was right about on target. Now.. go time!

Then.... I felt the rear wheel bottom out. FFS.
Looked like I had punctured at some point. I rode on for a while but then stopped to pump up the tyre. Figuring that i had sealant in there, I assumed that it'd seal up and things would be fine. Except it wasn't. Tyre kept slowly going down. So the rest of the race was spent babying the bike over the rocky sections, waiting for the tyre to go soft, stopping and pumping up the tyre. Race plan was pretty much shot at that point.

Lap 2 was ~48 minutes. :(

Lap 3 was pretty much the same. Babying the bike, stopping and pumping up the tyre. Having noted that the tyre was still going down repeatedly, i was starting to kick myself over not having just replaced the tube in the first instance. Lap 3 was ~48 minutes.

I rolled across the line at the end of lap 3 with 2hrs 20min on the race clock. Going full tilt I reckon i could get another lap in, but I knew full well that i'd need to stop during the lap to inflate my tyre, so i parked it. 3 laps total. Fairly disappointed to be honest. I had the pace, and felt pretty good. Replacing the tube after the event, it looked like there was either no sealant in the tube, or it'd dried up. Explains why the (3!) punctures weren't sealing during the race. That said, I fared better than a couple of mates I encouraged to take part. The first broke his chain 2km into the event; the second dislocated a shoulder while pushing for his 4th lap.. :yikes:

As an event though, highly recommended. Particularly (now) if you are crazy enough to like running as well as MTBing ;)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

I put together a short video of my first lap of Wild Dog Enduro :)

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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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UCI Granfondo World Championships

I have read somewhere that it is a good idea to taper before your A race, hence I did the old Gotthard Pass - strange how the Swiss don't know how to pave their roads - and Ghisallo + Muro di Sormano in the days leading up to the race day.

My plan was to be safe and not break any bones so I started somewhat at the back of the 350 strong peloton. As to no surprise for anyone there was a crash early on. Then came the first mountain in which I managed to drop my then cycling companions. I more or less time-trialed by myself for the next 100 km not counting a small stint when I drafted some part of the M50 peloton before they took of at 500w for the next mountain. At roughly 100km I caught up with parts of the women peloton and took it easy for a while chatting with a fellow Finn before the final hill came where I upped the pace again so as not to finish looking too fresh :D Not that it matters but the result was roughly 300/350 so I was not last which is always a plus.

Great experience once again. And a truly enjoyable mini cycling holiday which I'll describe in the other thread.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

markus wrote:UCI Granfondo World Championships
That word you are using.. "taper" .. i don't think it means what you think it means :P

Great work on getting through, and without breaking any bones! good to see a plan come together :)

I have a friend who went over there and got 5th in her age category in the ITT (racing against Jeannie Longo!) but fell ill and was a DNS for the road race :(
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Have you ever wondered what's the time difference on a 21km time trial between a 47 year old hobbyist who is nearing off-season and a top woman pro sprinter/tt specialist who is peaking for world championships ?

Well, I can answer that question. Lotta Lepistö finished in 0:27:54,30 and my time was 0:29:26,80. We both won our respective age groups though (or in her case it was Elite women obviously - she would've been 7th in Elite men by the way. :fall: )

Race data here: - and now it's time for off-season :aussie: :banana_love:
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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I had a bit of an epic adventure yesterday :D

With the cancellation of a CX race, Miss V and I decided to enter a handicapped road race. A little bit special this one, since it was the 100th consecutive running of the race, which apparently is the only race worldwide to have achieved that feat. So fair play to the Norwood Cycling Club for that outstanding effort.

The race was 3 laps around The Range circuit, which is fast in places and lumpy in others; and well known to pretty much everyone who has road raced or sportif'ed in Adelaide.

Both V and I were pretty much where we expected to be in the start list, V off limit (23 minutes) and me in the next group (20 minutes). Once the gun went, it was all go as is the norm in a handicap. My group worked outstandingly well together. I reckon we only had one dickhead in the group who seemed to be barking orders about the place.

Nearing the end of Lap 1, we caught the tail end of the limit group (Miss V!) and we'd got the rest of the limit group by midway through the second lap. The pace stayed fairly consistent for lap 2, perhaps slightly slower than lap 1. A few of the limit group stayed with us, while a few of my group dropped away. Happily, I was still in the mix. I wasn't doing it easy, but I was there.

There was a flurry of activity at the end of the second lap for the second Preme, but we all came together afterwards for the start of the third and final lap.

Lap 3, and there seemed to be a real sense of urgency in the group. We hadn't been caught, and perhaps the Race lead vehicle ahead of us underlined that fact. The group turned onto the finish climb and we kept the pressure on. If we were going to get caught by the scratch group, I assumed this would be where it happens. The group pushed and crested the hill, finish line in sight. The 20 minute group had done it! :D Unfortunately for me, in the latter stages i lost concentration and lost the wheel in front momentarily losing a couple of seconds. I kept on the pressure though, and stayed in reach.

9th place overall. OMG! Absolutely stoked.

the scratch group came in 1 minute later to collect the rest of the prizes.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by norbs »

well done Carl.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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First of our Summer Series CX races happened on Monday night!

I'd been recovering for a while from a bit from a cold.. or something.. not quite sure. No energy seemed to be the order of the day. So i wasn't confident of staying with the front of my race based on how i was feeling during my commute into work.

Oddly though, things actually felt really good in the warm up. Go figure!

I didn't quite get on it as quickly as i had hoped off the start, but slotted into about 4th place. We lost one guy early on as a DNF, so we were down to a 3 rider lead group. We had another rider bridge the gap, turning it into back a 4 rider group, with a bunch of daylight behind. Second last lap, and the guy in front of me came down in a corner and dropped his chain in the process, putting him out of the running.

On the start of the bell lap we had a group of 3, riding 3 wide on the home straight. I'm not sure anyone wanted to lead! :P Eventually things hotted up a bit and myself and another guy (riding a MTB) started gapping the third dude. Came across the line in 2nd place, about 7 seconds down. Pretty happy with that :D
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Final race of our Summer Time Trial Series happened yesterday, under near perfect conditions. I was a bit concerned that the MTB ride on the Saturday might have cooked my legs a bit. Despite feeling a bit weary during warm up those fears appeared to be unfounded during the race.

As I crossed the line I thought that I might have set a new PB, but I soon realised that I missed out by a few seconds. Bugger! All said and done, I think i feel pretty good leading into the State Time Trial Championships that are coming up soon. fingers crossed
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by norbs »

My first crit yesterday.

It was pretty tough, mainly due to a solid week of riding and a lot of work prepping floors for sanding.

Went ok. Made a stupid error in the last corner by swinging out wide and some numpty shot down the inside of me and blocked me. Pretty happy with the recovery, went from 9th to 4th. Needed another 20 metres and would have got 2nd apparently.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by hutchy »

Nice work will be up a grade in no time!!
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

Nice work Norbs! :D
Given your comments after your first race, I was more than a little surprised to see this one pop up on my Strava feed! All the same, impressed that you got out and signed up for another race, Good stuff!

Not really surprised that you did well in a crit. Usually they're a power-fest.. and you have bucketloads of power!
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by norbs »

CLP wrote:Nice work Norbs! :D
Given your comments after your first race, I was more than a little surprised to see this one pop up on my Strava feed! All the same, impressed that you got out and signed up for another race, Good stuff!

Not really surprised that you did well in a crit. Usually they're a power-fest.. and you have bucketloads of power!
Took me 11 months to recover.

Hold on to you cleats, because there is a 53km road race this Sunday :D
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

norbs wrote:
CLP wrote:Nice work Norbs! :D
Given your comments after your first race, I was more than a little surprised to see this one pop up on my Strava feed! All the same, impressed that you got out and signed up for another race, Good stuff!

Not really surprised that you did well in a crit. Usually they're a power-fest.. and you have bucketloads of power!
Took me 11 months to recover.

Hold on to you cleats, because there is a 53km road race this Sunday :D
:o who is this impostor? ;)
alternatively, have you recently taken a knock to the head? ;)

Handicapped, or graded scratch race on sunday? looking forward to hearing how you go :)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Last Sunday I raced the South Australian State Masters Time trial championship!

Signups were a bit low, but as usual my group had a decent showing.

Same lumpy course as last year, but this time there was the added complication of a strong wind. Last year I set myself a fairly modest power target, given the unknown nature of the course. This year, I was intending to go much harder, with a power target similar to what i know i can do on the usual summer time trials.

Outbound leg was epic. Very strong tail wind. i was fairly comfortably holding 50+km/h :fall:
I hit the turn around, and suddenly felt the headwind from hell. Now it made sense why everyone ahead of me looked to be struggling :P
I battled through it though, and finished in a similar time to last year :melt: though I'd rank it as a *much* better result as a result of the conditions.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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South Australian State CX Championships were held on Sunday!

Having been recovering from a cold for over three weeks, this was always going to be a bit of a struggle.

Given that this is age group based racing, I've got pretty much no hope. So a 'win" for me is something like not getting lapped. The race was held on a brand new circuit for us, next door to the Adelaide Superdrome, so also conveniently to home :D

Off the line, I wasn't doing too bad. At the back of the field, but in contact. I think that having so much time trying to recover hit me fairly hard though and soon enough i was dropping back. To my surprise though, I was picking up the tailenders of the earlier(younger!) age groups, so there was something to aim for at least. Despite being at the back of the field, I still pushed as best I could in the hope that I could avoid getting lapped.

Getting to the end of my second last lap I could see the leaders approaching fairly quickly behind me. Fortunately, I avoided getting lapped by ~10 metres, so off I went on my last lap. About mid way through the final lap as I exited a fairly non-descript corner I heard whoosh of air, not unlike that of a whoopee cushion. Initially I thought I had burped the tyre, but that just didn't make sense under the circumstances. Turns out I sliced the sidewall open on something :( A short run to the pits and I grabbed Miss V's bike to finish the lap. That lap was a whole lot harder than it needed to be :/

Hopefully now I can get back to something that looks like fitness and regain some form...
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Miss V an I headed interstate (NSW) for a bit of a mountain bike adventure.

As we had decided to skip doing Amy's Gran Fondo this year, we thought we might take on the Coomealla Mountainless Mountain Bike Club's 3 hour enduro which had been highly rated by a couple of friends.

We drove over on Friday afternoon, through dust storms, feeling thankful that we decided to transport the bikes inside the car.

On arriving at our accommodation we get told that they don't allow bikes inside the rooms. You know when would have been a good time to tell us this policy? When we're booking, and specifically saying "we're coming over for your local Mountain Bike Race". That'd at least give us the option book elsewhere or at minimum bring a few locks. They did let us put our bikes in their now disused squash court. That said, the level of security provided was substantially less than in the room with us, and pretty inconvenient. So our weekend was already starting in a very negative mindset. <rant over>

Some course recon on Saturday got us back into the groove with our first look at the course, which had us fairly impressed. They had proper A/B lines on course too, which provided sufficient incentive to try the A-lines.

Sunday morning, and the day of the big race. My plan was to get 6 laps in, while V was planning for 4 or 5. Something that became clear early on was just because it's "mountainless" doesn't mean it's easy. With no real substantial climbs, there's also no real downhill rest periods so you're "on" all the time, pedalling non-stop. I hit a few trees along the way (usually due to clipping a handle bar, which would steer me into a bigger tree!) and finished Lap 5 as the clock ticked over to 2 hours 50 minutes. with a time limit of 3hr 30 to finish all laps and my laptimes typically being 35-37 minutes I knew I could do another as long as i didn't back off. I managed to get in with about 5 minutes to spare. Woot! :D I finished 8th of 11 in my age group. V managed her 5 laps, and picked up 3rd place in her group :)

All up, a great event! though if we decide to do it again we might re-think our accommodation.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by norbs »

Looks good Carlos. I might have to give that a try once I drop 10kgs and get used to MTBing.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by KNAPPO »

CLP wrote:All up, a great event! though if we decide to do it again we might re-think our accommodation.
Thanks for the write up. This one is on my to do list as I have a good mate that lives in Dareton on River View Drive.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

norbs wrote:Looks good Carlos. I might have to give that a try once I drop 10kgs and get used to MTBing.
To be honest, I reckon you could already do it. The course they have isn't particularly technical, but relies a lot on fitness to keep you going. Many of the A-lines are not too bad, once you've had a bit of a look at them. I had a camera on board, so there might be a lap of Coomie video in the future if I get motivated :)
KNAPPO wrote:Thanks for the write up. This one is on my to do list as I have a good mate that lives in Dareton on River View Drive.
I don't think I could fault the event. The welcome pack was exceptional :) Potentially we'd look at staying in Mildura next time, assuming we do it again.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Return to Hanson Reserve! :vibes: :vibes:

It's been a long while coming, and while it's been in operation for a couple of months already, last night was the "official" reopening of the Hanson Reserve Velodrome including ribbon cutting by council dignitaries etc. As background, after a botched council repair job, the facility (as a cycling venue) has remained dormant for nearly 15 years. Overcoming threats of demolition, the facility was finally restored back to a state where it could be used for bike racing.

Also, as a background to the event itself, a paid promotions company (Mike Turtur's company!) pulled out of the event with 10 days to go citing "lack of interest". Port Adelaide and Kilkenny Cycling clubs plus Cycling SA jumped in and ran the event at short notice, managing to sign up 200+ riders for a combined track cycling and cyclocross extravaganza. :fall:

Perhaps crazily, I'd signed myself up for both track and CX, because why not, right? :D I was slotted into D grade Track and my usual C grade in CX

First race, a scratch race, and my first track race in maybe 2 years? I took the win by a crazy small margin after a late sprint.

Second race was a heat for the Handicap finale. I probably came in about 9th, with the top 7 going through to the final. Wasn't too fussed about this one, since having to do a massive effort right at the end of the night can be both a blessing and a curse. That said, I don't think I raced very well in this one. spending too much time "thinking" and not enough time actually "doing".

Third race was cyclocross on both the infield and velodrome. A fairly simple course (so we didn't rip up the infield) but lightning quick. File treads being the order of the day here. Bombing down off the banking onto the infield was a bit of a treat. Free speed! :aussie: Probably finished midfield in this one. Heaps of fun had here.

and final race, with dead legs and with very little recovery time from CX, was a motorpaced scratch race. I surprised myself and took out the win, once again with a late sprint.

Now.. everything hurts.. :melt:
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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With family Christmas' being local this year, I got to race one of my favourite criterium events on Boxing day at Glenelg. :yes:

I have a sort of love/hate relationship with this event though. The course is awesome; a proper criterium circuit around the streets. The downside is that the grading always seems to be a bit out of whack. So it's a bit hit and miss whether I can hang onto the group. This year, maybe a bit more "miss" than "hit" for me. i was finding myself hitting ~500watts on the straight and still being dropped. A group of 3 pretty much dropped the field and lapped me twice in the 20 minute race :( oh well. Not sure I really had the fitness to be at the pointy end of the race, but i was hoping at least not to be lapped.
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