ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

So moving from dirt, to no dirt.. The annual Interclub track championships was held yesterday at Edwardstown velodrome. Usually this is held in early/mid March, but due to planned velodrome upgrades it was moved forward. Good for Miss V and myself as we generally can't make it on the usual date.

Probably owing to my lack of recent track racing, i found myself i D grade. :tilt:

First race up was a heart starter scratch race, D grade men and women together. this one was fun. Owing to the sheer number of Port Adelaide riders we had a bit of a plan to try to split the group and send 3 off the front. So once three PACC riders (including V) were on the front they surged forward and i backed off the pace mid pack. :aussie: Riders from the other teams caught onto this plan and countered, but not before i caught their wheel, before passing and taking the win and points for PACC. woot! :D

Second race was a 3 man team sprint. We had a super smooth and tight run for this one. Unknown to us, we won! More points! :D

Third race was a 4 man team pursuit. I was the only guy on this team, but i was surrounded by gun riders. So I really had no idea how this would go. Unfortunately for us, we didn't really find out since the lap scoring was absent, there was no bell and there was no chequered flag :( I think we did an extra lap as well. We rode well though :)

Last race for me was a combined C and D grade mens scratch race. I was expecting this to have me dropping off the back, but to my surprise I hung on, and then, late in the final lap i pushed around the outside and started challenging for the podium places. Didn't quite get to the front, but finished in 2nd which I was pretty stoked with :D

Sadly for PACC as a club we finished 2nd for the 4th year in a row to our track arch rivals, South Coast CC.. I'm sure we'll get 'em next time :D
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by hutchy »

Well done mate your fitness just keeps getting stronger and stronger!!
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

Decided to throw my hat into the ring for one of the summer criteriums on Tuesday evening. I was a bit unsure about it, since the last couple of times have been crazy fast, and perhaps somewhat demoralising.

I put myself in D grade, semi expecting to get dropped, hopefully late in the race, when i ran out of steam.

To my surprise I hung in there until the end and surprised myself by finishing at the pointy end. I think i was about 7th over the line. So no prizes, but pretty happy all the same given at the beginning of the year I was being dropped pretty convincingly from this same grade. Part of that may be due to some re-grading, but i'd like to think improved fitness and strength has played a part! :aussie:

First crit with the power meter too, so I have data! :D
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Stepped out of the comfort zone again..
I haven't done a road scratch race for ages. I've avoided them a little since I tend to get dropped early and just find that I don't get much out of them. So I signed up for one. :D 77km and fairly lumpy. Given my usual CX races are ~10km, this was always going to be a stretch for me.

The course included 2x laps (nearly 3!) of a 17km circuit, before heading out for an extended loop, returning via a 3km @ 7% climb.

I managed to hold on for most of the first lap, until the road headed upwards and some young whippets blasted up the hill, leaving a bunch of oldies behind :( I fought on and regained contact with the guy in front while the guy behind me did the same. We worked well enough as a 3 (and later 4) man group, sharing turns to try to get back to the front group. Unfortunately a re-group never happened and I eventually ran out of steam with maybe 7 km to go.

End result: not up the front, but not last as best I could tell. Mixed feelings about it all. I rode much better than I have in the past in a road scratch race, but just don't have it all together to stay at the front. More work required.
A few PRs in there, so happy about that :)

Power meter attached, so I could get decent data. :aussie:
A minor panic attack on the start line when the Garmin flashed a low battery warning for the power meter :o Seemed to last the distance though.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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PACC put on a bit of an exhibition CX event as part of BikeSA's Fleurieu Fondo Festival, the event formally run as Amy's Ride SA. Unfortunately, the MTB XC state champs were on at the same time, so numbers were way down, to the point where the course was shortened from the originally planned circuit. All the same, there was some great racing to be had at a winery. :D

Despite being only 1.5 km, the course was surprisingly hard on the body, as well as the bikes. most people i saw came back from their warm up laps with 3 corner jacks embedded in their tyres. I had a flat rear after 3/4 of a lap. I was a bit concerned that it wouldn't seal up prior to the race. Eventually it did and i decided that it might be better not to tempt fate and stayed off the course until the race

Come race time, I had the worse start ever, struggling to get my left foot clipped in despite about 4 stabs at it. Somewhat annoyed about that. I inherited 3rd place at one point when someone dropped their chain, but then swiftly lost it when i did the same damn thing :/ I managed to stay at the pointy end of the race and came in 4th. This seemed to be a good place to finish as it meant I got a series sponsor consolation prize, namely a fancy chain from Zero Friction Cycling :D Score! :D

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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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First round of the PACC Summer TT series yesterday.

I had no idea how i'd go back on the TT bike, so i did a couple of sessions on the (Tacx Bushido) trainer, including one GPS trainer session of the actual course. Turns out that the Tacx trainer app is starting to look pretty good and provide some of the functionality I paid for.. years too late... but it looks like a decent bit of kit.

I was seeded about midway in the 49 rider field, which was a little surprising. Turns out this was about right, finishing in 25th place overall, and 3rd (of 4) in my age group. I guess the big news for me was that I knocked about 40 seconds off my previous PB, which is, frankly, insane. Utterly stoked though, as you might imagine. I probably have a little more in me, since it felt like i faded in the final kilometre or so. Strava data seems to agree with both a drop in HR and power.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Argh. So the recent better than usual results couldn't continue forever. Entered a crit after work on Tuesday and was dropped in pretty short order :( Continued circulating and was lapped.. maybe a couple of times.. bleh :(
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Second round of the Summer Time Trial series took place on Sunday. Having completely forgotten about it, it sort of took me by surprise so i didn't really feel like i was likely to do too well. Conditions were pretty good, warm with a slight breeze.

Decided that I'd focus my warm up on the trainer pre-race which i think worked a lot better than randomly rolling around the place :P
General plan was to ride at or about my FTP which seemed to work ok. I possibly went out a fraction too quick at the start, but backed it off in short order and settled into a decent rhythm. I felt mostly good throughout the race; well, as good as you can in a TT :P

To my surprise I was only 5 seconds off my PB by the end. More work to do i think.. suspect i'm getting addicted to this discipline.. :/
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by markus »

CLP wrote: To my surprise I was only 5 seconds off my PB by the end. More work to do i think.. suspect i'm getting addicted to this discipline.. :/
The best discipline.. in the world.

So: ditch the gloves, get a skinsuit, aerolid, pair of Velotoze and shrug your head (lifting the front end a bit might help to hide the head away from the wind). I bet there's a bit more than additional 5 seconds to gain, easily :) Other than the head, from this angle your position does not look bad at all.
Much cycling such kilometers.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

markus wrote:
CLP wrote: To my surprise I was only 5 seconds off my PB by the end. More work to do i think.. suspect i'm getting addicted to this discipline.. :/
The best discipline.. in the world.

So: ditch the gloves, get a skinsuit, aerolid, pair of Velotoze and shrug your head (lifting the front end a bit might help to hide the head away from the wind). I bet there's a bit more than additional 5 seconds to gain, easily :) Other than the head, from this angle your position does not look bad at all.
Word on the street is that there may have been an aero helmet ordered.. watch this space ;)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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PACC OzzyCross!
With the last Summer CX postponed due to extreme hot weather, this round was moved to early morning to escape the sate fate given a predicted max temperature of ~38 degrees or so. Course was a bit simplified, but actually quite fun. This was also my first race on tubeless tyres, so i ran tyre pressures a bit on the conservative side to make sure i'd avoid a burped tyre.

C Grade turn out was pretty good consider that it was early, hot and a public holiday!
I got a pretty good start from the second row but quickly got swamped in the first mulchy climb. Possibly a blessing, possibly not. The field got split by a big crash in another grade on the dusty descent from that climb. So while i missed getting tangled up in the crash, I was split from the front end of my race. I pushed on and got away from the guys around me and in the final lap caught up with someone that I regularly tussle with. Despite being on his tail I managed to get held up (again!) by riders in another grade which allowed him to pull out a gap of ~10m which i couldn't bridge before the chequered flag. Much to my surprise though, I came home in 3rd place, so i did much much better than i thought i did! :D
edit: Incident on the first lap of the A-Grade race. re-posted because it's hilarious :D
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by KNAPPO »

Nice shortcut.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

KNAPPO wrote:Nice shortcut.
Technically not, since it was inside the tape :) Just don't think it was a particularly fast line in the first place. He got heckled every lap with calls of "Take the inside line!" :D
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by KNAPPO »

CLP wrote:
KNAPPO wrote:Nice shortcut.
Technically not, since it was inside the tape :)

I was joking, I doubt I would have even been able to pull it off on that bike. That mulch is pretty unpredictable, and with no dropper post it was pretty much only going to end like that.
Its like he didnt even scope it out and it was a spur of the moment decision, ooo shortcut, why not, SPLAT!

Good work by the hecklers. :nod:
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

KNAPPO wrote:
CLP wrote:
KNAPPO wrote:Nice shortcut.
Technically not, since it was inside the tape :)

I was joking, I doubt I would have even been able to pull it off on that bike. That mulch is pretty unpredictable, and with no dropper post it was pretty much only going to end like that.
Its like he didnt even scope it out and it was a spur of the moment decision, ooo shortcut, why not, SPLAT!

Good work by the hecklers. :nod:
Pretty sure he had pre-planned. Apparently had mentioned that he was intending to take the "pro-line" :rofl: seemed to work well for him :)
One guy took that same line later in the race successfully, but I think it was clear that it was much slower.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Not my racing... but I reckon this needs more than a little bit of attwntion. I've seen Matt race in the local sprint events and he is *amazingly* quick in the Flying 200m qualifiers; turns out he's fast over the kilometre too. Pity the kilo isn't an Olympic event any more :( ... world-cup/

Also, CX World Championships are on this weekend. If you only watch one race this year (!) make it the Womens Elite race. It'll be epic. Extremely close field, and they've been going head to head through out the World Cup series. Sadly UCI have geoblocked their live stream in Australia because Fox Sports have the rights to the event. Fox are apparently putting on a highlights package of the entire weekend... on Tuesday. Fuck them. So you'll need a VPN plugin to watch it live.

Live stream schedule:

Previews of the course from South Aussie Stacey Riedel :)

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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Second round of the PACC Sumer CX Series was on Monday.

Generally we expect dusty conditions in the summer series, but the park in North Adelaide that we used ("Potting Mix Park") steps it up a notch with thick dry mulch, which results in a lot of dust as well as making things pretty loose and slidey.

I got a relatively good start but it fell apart in the first corner when i was pushed off my line in the mulch and had trouble getting going again. I recovered ok, and soon found myself back on the leading bunch. Then into the same first corner on the second lap pretty much the same thing happened, except i had a bunch more trouble getting going ( front wheel kept sinking into the mulch making it hard to get any forward motion!). So by then it seemed that my race for the lead was mostly done. A bit of luck for me, when one of the four ahead of me flatted. So i was sitting in forth place. Lapped riders didn't help my cause much and I felt like i was slipping further behind. A little demoralising :(

At the start of the final lap i noticed that there was a rider ahead and quickly realised that it was the 3rd place guy.. Maybe I was a chance for a podium? :) so I put the effort in and slowly reeled him in, finally catching him on the entry to the final sequence of corners. A bit of a dive bomb down the inside to overtake was unsuccessful and gave me a less than brilliant corner exit, and so I had to settle for 4th place, about 2 second behind the 3rd place guy.

The race highlighted a need for me to put in some practise on looser surfaces. I think i'm lacking confidence, so i'm losing time. That said, I think i've improved my straightline speed a little.
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Had my first TT with my pointy hat on Sunday. Unfortunately, due to a cruise ship docking in the area, it was on a different course than usual so I couldn't make a direct comparison of performance. That said, I think i got some decent data out of it .. who doesn't like data, right? :)

Sundays course was held over a short 4.8 km circuit, with us required to do 4 laps. The course itself was more technical with more corners than usual (plus having to repeat said corners multiple times!) but this was offset a little by a smoother road surface. There was a bit of a breeze about the place which made things a little more interesting in some parts of the course too. Due to the shortness of the course, it maybe felt a bit more cramped than usual, but not overly so.

End result was that I came dead last in my age category :( though looking a the field, not unexpected. So i'm not actually that unhappy :) Looking back through past TTs, I noticed that I managed to post my second fastest average speed, which I'm pretty happy with.

I was hoping someone would have posted a photo from the event so I could check my bike position, but sadly that hasn't happened yet
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Second TT with my pointy hat today. Unfortunately it wasn't a great one. Lack of sleep was a major contributing factor, caused by the discovery of a leaking fish tank in the evening and, possibly worse, the outcome of the SA State election :(

On race day things didn't get too much better. Legs felt a bit ordinary, but I can usually ride around that in a TT. The worse thing was the 50+ km/h gusts of wind, generally sideways, which kept attempting to remove me from my steed. So the lack of confidence that I was going to stay upright was a bit distressing at times, to the point where i was riding on the drops rather than the aero bars where it was getting particularly bad. Perhaps the 53mm Cosmic on the front wasn't a good choice :P

Overall, one of my worst TT results in ages. Data showed that my average power was ~20Watts down which is most likely a function of repeatedly having to back off pedalling to regain stability. :(

One more TT to go this series. Hope it's better than this one!
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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last Monday we had another round of the PACC Summer CX series, located in a pretty much dead flat park that we've only used once before. Wasn't expecting too much as it'd probably favour those with a bit of speed in the legs, which i wasn't feeling like i had!

I lined up on the front row, and got a blinder of a start, getting the holeshot and leading into the first corner. Woot! Go me! :D amazingly, i kept this up for the entire first lap; so the first time i've ever been in the lead for an entire lap :D i was soon passed by one guy, and then a bit later another, but i was pretty determined to hang on, if not regain at least one of those positions. Didn't quite manage the latter, but managed the former, coming in across the line in 3rd place with a bit of daylight behind me ...Woot! :D
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Final Summer Series TT happened on Sunday morning (yeah, i know.. technically not summer any more... deal with it :P )

I wasn't really expecting a lot to be honest. Haven't really been brimming with energy during the last couple of weeks. But all the same, I'd pre-paid and it's a good chance to test myself, for better or for worse :P

Conditions were okay, with a bit of a breeze that would assist in the final few kilometers, right when you need it most. Entries were a bit sparse for the event, so I was starting only 4 1/2 minutes behind Miss V. So i had a rabbit to catch :D

I kept it steady out of the blocks and actually found myself coming good as the race went on which was a surprise. The return leg was a bit of a drag with a headwind but i knew there would be respite in the final stretch. Eventually I saw Miss V ahead, which gave me the extra incentive to keep the pace up. Final couple of kilometers I gave it a bit extra to try to get over the line in strong shape.

Final result... according to official timing, I got a new PB!!! :D oddly, according to Strava i did my 2nd fastest time, however I think there's a slight difference between the TT course and the strava segment.. so all good :) Either way, I'm really happy with my performance and it's a great way to finish off the series. Next stop.. State Champs! :D
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

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Round 1 of the PACC Winter CX season happened on Sunday, and it was a cracker :) Weather was a bit variable, with a few showers but not enough to make any mud.

Once again in C grade, which seems to be suiting me just fine for now.
Since it was the first round, grid call ups were random. I was pretty fortunate since i landed on the front row! :D
I got a pretty reasonable start, getting an initial lead, but then slotting into 3rd at the first corner. I made a bit of a mess heading over the barriers, having realised once i got there that i had completely forgotten how to take them at speed. :rolleyes:
At the end of the first lap i was in 3rd place, with the guy in 1st shooting off ahead. I was yoyo-ing off the back of the 2nd place guy all race which made for awesome racing :) final lap and I made an effort to get on the wheel of the second place guy going up the hill to set up for a kick to the line. Final sprint for the line was awesome, but ultimately unsuccessful :( 3rd place though.. really happy with that and a good way to start the series!
Also managed to score a Focus cycling cap in a random draw, plus just my medal+cash for finishing 2nd in the last winter series.. woot! :D Awesome day!

First lap of my race if you're keen :)
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by norbs »

Did you sit on your balls on the remount at 2:00 Carlos?
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by CLP »

norbs wrote:Did you sit on your balls on the remount at 2:00 Carlos?
:rofl: No.. not that time :P I think the exclamation you heard from me was disbelief that i managed to screw that barrier section up to such an enormous degree. it doesn't really come through on the video, so here's a photo:
Forgot to pick up the back end of the bike.. Pro level screw up right there! :D
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Re: ARSEcyclist Racing Thread

Post by KNAPPO »

Whats life without a challenge...
Set myself the goal of taking on the Triple Crown this year, 3 Half Marathons in the calendar year. Clare, Greenbelt & McLaren Vale.

After I completed the City 2 Bay last year I wanted to see if I could give a Half Marathon a crack. Been training since September last year slowly gettin myself capable of tackling 21.1k without blowing up and having to walk.

3 months out my aim was to do it at 6min/k but after some encouragement from a few mates the goal shifted to trying to crack sub 2hr.
Going in my aim was to run at 5:30 base pace for the duration, in training I was between 5:20 to 5:40min/k with the latter getting me home in 1:59:33. Aim was to get to half way around 55mins and finish around 1hr 55min.

Well with the event adrenaline pumping, a solid race plan and all the hard yakka done I got on with it and gave it my best. Left everything on the course and finished strong with the final 3k being 5:04, 5:04 & 5:03min/k. :eyepop: Even managed to pass a bloke that smashes me every week at Parkrun in the final k, gotta say that felt pretty good.

Result 1hr 50 for the 21.1k @ 5:15min/k. Fucking stoked!

Maybe its the post race high but I just signed up for the Adelaide Half Marathon in 34 days time. :bigthumb:
Last edited by KNAPPO on Sun Apr 22, 2018 9:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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