Project Morpheus for PS4. Sony goes VR

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Project Morpheus for PS4. Sony goes VR

Post by DarrenM »

Big week for VR news. Sony just announced their VR project and Oculus have a presentation tomorrow for their latest stuff.



Tracking is done by the lights in the corners using the same tech as the ps move controllers. They also have lights on the back so you get 360 degrees. Currently wired, but they're looking into wireless. Has a built in headphone jack on the back.

Targeting PS4 only. Current prototype is 1080p with 90 deg fov, though they didn't specify if that was horizontal or diagonal (Oculus dev kit is 90 horizontal, 110 diagonal)

They have EVE Valkerie and Thief demos made for it. Thief would be amazing in VR.

The design looks better than what Oculus have shown so far. That head strap would move all the load off your face onto the top of your head/forehead. With the rift dev kit my cheeks get a bit sore after a while.
Last edited by DarrenM on Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Project Morpheus for PS4. Sony goes VR

Post by wobblysauce »

IT has to be a big improvement on the last Sony stuff as it was not good at all.
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Re: Project Morpheus for PS4. Sony goes VR

Post by Righteous »

This is interesting. I think that reason drive club has beven delayed is because of this.

I don't think it's going to influence the rift much as they are on their own platforms. It will push them to make a better product though.

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Re: Project Morpheus for PS4. Sony goes VR

Post by DarrenM »

People were speculating that the title of their talk (Driving the future of innovation) was some sort of pun/hint at drive club game but they didn't mention it.

If they make it officially PC compatible then oculus could be in trouble if they don't get out the door first.

I think the HMZ's were aimed at movies rather than VR so it's not really comparable. They mentioned the main requirements for VR so it seems they're on the right page to getting it right. Presence being the main requirement and for that, low persistence, high res, low latency, high frame rates etc.

Apparently they quoted horizontal fov, so it's the same as the rift dk1. They also have 1000Hz head tracking, same as the rift.
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