Ice Hockey

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Ice Hockey

Post by bengatta »

has anybody else taken in a game...???

I have decided after this weeks game I am getting season tickets...

These guys have stumbled across a pretty entertaining formula, with format, timing, and good old fashioned entertainment. I have never been into spectating as a general rule, but this has caught my interest.
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Re: Ice Hockey

Post by wobblysauce »

quite fun.. tho if you cant skate you got to learn fast..
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Re: Ice Hockey

Post by Hz-Lab »

Totally Agree Wobblayne Gretzke.

I did a come and try thing at the Ice Arena when I was a young kid, I fell over a shitload and got belted against a wall. I quit after that day, but took up a similar sport at the Local Pub when I hit 18.

I love playing the sport on the PS3 though. I also have a mate who is a mad Ice Hockey Follower, to the point where he is annoying. He went to the USA just to watch the Stanley Cup last year, If I had that kind of money I would of spent it on Bikes or something actually useful.

Wobbly, can you please give as a brief overview of the rules and History of Ice Hockey? From the Mighty Ducks to Russell Crowe's brilliant Alaskiasian team?
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Re: Ice Hockey

Post by Rots »

Ice skating was something I picked up really quickly, although haven't done for ages. Lots of fun. A couple of my mates played ice hockey, but it never really interested me to play. :)
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Re: Ice Hockey

Post by Exar Kun »

I play field hockey. Considering I have about 10% skill in hitting a ball with a stick I can't imagine adding in another skill that i'd be even more uncoordinated at.
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Re: Ice Hockey

Post by J.D. »

I played (field) hockey in preference to football for 5 or 6 years at school. Great game.

But I'm buggered if I can understand ice hockey. One of my workmates plays it.
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