Tournament Rules

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Tournament Rules

Post by Bauer »

Hi guys

been snooping around in SO websites looking for ideas on how best to handle handicaps as different players play to different abilities. As we all know, if a player doesnt play 18 holes, their HC wont drop. To allow for this, most tournaments in SO are handicapped not on in game HC, but on the players level.

So going forward, our tournaments are basically going to be scored 'off the stick' with an allowance based on what level you are. We will have a 5 level gap between allowances at this stage. If need be we will extend that to 10. We will simply see how it goes.

Level Handicap
01-05 +8
06-10 +7
11-15 +6
16-20 +5
21-25 +4
26-30 +3
31-35 +2
36-40 +1
41-45 0
46-50 -1
51-55 -2
56-60 -3
61-65 -4
66-70 -5
71-75 -6
76-80 -7
>81 -8

make sense?

and keep an eye out for our next tournament ;)
Last edited by Bauer on Mon Aug 20, 2007 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bauer »

what it means is that if I shoot 72 and Im level 30, Im given 3 strokes so i end up with a 69. If I was playing against a level 19 and he shot 73, he is given 5 storkes and ends up winning with a score of 68. :yes:
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Post by J_luo88 »

Hmmm... i don't think this is a too great idea. Not sure why... but it seems like the HDCP's arent' enough. Example is that a lvl 21 player can only shoot one shot over par and be equal with a player who is lvl 30 and shots par. The chances of that happening are very slim...

Hmm, what i've written doesnt' really make sense maybe... but hopefully you get what i'm talking about. What we have now is working very well, just look at our last tourny, our HDCP scores were VERY close.
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Post by Bauer »

yep i see where you are coming from. And the idea I worked it from actually had a 10 level split (lvl 21-30 were the same etc) and I reduced that to 5

going on our last tournament, if the above rules were used, you would have beaten me easily.

you probably arent the greatest example to use though as your level 19 odd finished 2nd off the stick :) (which proves it can be done)

I guess the idea is not to reward the poorer players but award the better players. The strokes are to cater for the difference in levels due to stat differences, not how good or bad someone is. :up:

and I should add that it is always open for discussion. :D
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Post by J_luo88 »

That, that's fair enough i think. Worth giving it a go anyway and see how it is.

Just the only problem i see is the stats difference as you've said. Say a lvl 21 v a lvl 30, there is 9 lvl's between which is 18 stat points. Is 18 stat points worth only 1 stroke? I think the HDCP would work well if it was Tournment exclusive. What i mean by this is basically what i've done with my HDCP. My HDCP is a indication of how well i've played in the tournment and nothing else. I dont' have the time to play 18 holes so i tend to just knock around 6 holes or if i'm lucky 9. But for someone like Blues who MAY have gotten his HDCP running off alf or something, would be severly disadvantaged when playing a harder course like hela or something.

I ramble heaps, lol. My point is that we should ignore the SO HDCP and have our own which is based off previous AGGOT tournments. That way, the HDCP's are VERY fair and the ppl that win the HDCP prize are those that play better than average.
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Post by Bauer »

J_luo88 wrote:That, that's fair enough i think. Worth giving it a go anyway and see how it is.
:yes: and if it doesnt seem to work, we change it again.

What I dont like about in game handicaps for tournament use is how a player can be penalised for a great round.

my example to this is myself. I was HC 0 when we started the April AGGOT. I shot a second round 6 under (awesome round) and went to HC -3 and adding that to my even card for round meant I was even card for my average (-6 and 0 = -3 which was my new HC). Then I shot a 3 under so my combined score went to -3 (HC -3 meant my -6 and -3 gave me a -3 for the tourny). Then silly me shot a -4 and my handicap dropped to -4 which meant my -6 round and my -4 only meant I was -2 for the tourny. So the better I played, the worse my overall score was. Had I gone back and shot a -5 I would not have been joint winner on HC which would not have reflected how my game has improved.

LOL did that story make any sense at all? :)

So I think the better player deserves to win (like Blues) but I think we need to attempt to counter the stats difference due to the levels. Is it fair that Blues only gives me 1 shot. I think so as he is the better player and doesnt deserve to be knobbled just cos he plays the game well. Like you said, we cant try it and see how it goes. tweaking it if necessary for the future :tilt:
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Post by J_luo88 »

Sounds good =] :up:
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