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Re: Your creations

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:53 pm
by Hz-Lab
what's the Moralion thing? is that an external site or your artist/band name? If so, I reckon there is arleady a Moralian out there.. or something very close.

*edit, they are called Marillion, and it Turns out I have even remixed them.. lol" onclick=";return false;

Re: Your creations

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 3:04 pm
by petey
Nah its just a name I came up with, online alias for games etc.

Stems from Morale - Ion .... site is completely irrelevant to anything however and I'm not in a band. It's just a name. ha

Re: Your creations

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 5:54 pm
by petey
Ok so the old songs are worth nothing I can understand haha.

Changed to something new. Just had a play for the first time in a while, found ezdrummer is pretty awesome.

plus i7 processor means I can pretty much run limitless guitar rig 4's in high res.

Uploaded is a mix of 3 tunes I've pumped out in the last few days. Comments welcome!

edit: Have noticed that I pushed the mastering output a little bit and so it has mild clipping at times. Was just a quick master so tis to be expected.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 1:10 pm
by SamC
Nice work petey, I like em :) Start of the first one is sweet and the 3:25ish bit, keep it up.

I had a go at doing the Gladiator(the movie) theme, made it in Reason but its in wav format and I'm fucked if I know how to upload it anywhere convenient like acidplanet etc. they only take wmv etc. which I tried converting it but don't think it worked properly, acidplanet isn't accepting it because they try and add metadata or something and its not working. So I guess its for my ears only!

Re: Your creations

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:25 pm
by petey
Why not just whack it in itunes and click create mp3 version?

Quick and easy.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:05 pm
by Hz-Lab
Acid Planet will allow you to upload mp3 but only after you have uploaded a streaming format 1st, so you need to upload a wma or whatever they are 1st, then an mp3.

to publish to iTunes I think you need to go through a bit of bullshit setting yourself up as an artist I think, I may be wrong, and if I am wrong, awesome, cos I wanna put some stuff on

Re: Your creations

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:35 pm
by petey
I think you may have got your wires crossed in the conversation there hz.

He has a WAV to upload and no way of making it an mp3...

And I've never looked into the itunes store thing so no idea.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:37 pm
by Hz-Lab
lol. I most certainly did not get my wires crossed Petey....

It was more so the case I read about 5% of Sam's post.. lol

Sam, you got any simple recording program like Sound Forge? Adobe Audition? Cool Edit Pro (which is the old AA)? just open the wav, save as a mp3 or wmv or whatever.

if you don't feel like doing that, upload the wav on to rapidshare or something, PM me the link, i'll download and convert for you, although the 1st way is much quicker.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 8:41 pm
by petey
It would also make yourself a bit more self sufficient... I've never used reason so no idea what it is.

Any sound editing software should have the ability to export/render to mp3 anyway, even if you have to download a codec.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:45 pm
by Hz-Lab
Reason is not really an Editing suite as such though Petey, it's a Simulated Studio Rack with Synths and Effects modules and all that jazz. However, I am sure you are right, there would have to be a way to do it. I've used Reason for years but I have never wanted to render to mp3, I generally use reason to create Loops and sounds and then Export them as Wav's and Open them in my sequencer to compose the track. It then get's mastered in another program.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:12 pm
by petey
Ah so its a compositioning tool rather than mixing... understandable.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 12:43 pm
by SamC
No I don't have any of those programs, but that seems my best bet, cheers Hz. No you can't convert it to anything in Reason, only exports as wav, as far I can see anyway. I use Reason because its the easiest from my experience, I have 2 external audio boxes or whatever they're called(what you plug the guitar and mic into, and its your audio "card" too) like the Mbox 2 mini and another one, forgot what it was. But then I'm fucked if I know how to fix the delay, there is a slight delay and a whole heap of issues with getting the sound through properly, I had it fairly sorted ages ago, but its never been right ever, always some niggling thing that farks up your timing etc thats if you can get everything working smoothly in the first place, everything is that bloody touchy, like with XP, Vista, all that shit. So I just go back to my midi keyboard and Reason, I can make most of the sounds I want with that anyway, even though there is still a slight delay with that too. Tried all the different audio settings but nothing changes. So fuck it, make the most of what you have ay! lol :D

Re: Your creations

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 7:54 am
by petey
In the programs and also control panel there should always be a latency option, measured in samples. I use 128 atm which give me aboug 1ms delay. I can do this now with the new processor but on my old machine trying to go too low would screw it up.

But yea the delay is just because the sample latency is too high. with any decent ADDA box you should be able to get it reasonable low.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 12:18 am
by El Kabong
SamC wrote:
El Kabong wrote:My latest. Let me know if you can't listen to it. It's been a while since I uploaded one of these things.

I think that I don't write songs as much as I write backing tracks lol.

I've been learning a bit more about FL Studio, my DAW of choice, and trying to apply what I've learned. Feedback appreciated.

Song is called "35 Track"
I actually quite like that :) good beat, bass and I love the voices, that loudspeaker type effect is awesome. :yes:
Many thanks man! The loudspeaker effect is a series of chained delay effects. Glad you enjoyed it. :)

Re: Your creations

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:13 pm
by petey
Clicky me for arsey beats
I've been attempting to max out the cpu in this machine by layering effects on effects on synths on effects etc... so far it hasn't budged a bit.
Heres a little tune that has come out of it.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 1:17 pm
by petey
ah BUMP....

Blicky yea I actually called the song blicky, didn't even make the connection at the time ^ ^

Could have done a lot more with it however it started off as just having fun in 5/4. I am happy with what it is though, starting to branch into sampling. And yes I might just make a post everytime I record a tune haha.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 5:47 pm
by Hz-Lab
definitely make a post every time Petey, People make a post every time they go out snapping photo's, this should be no different.

Your stuff is insanely interesting, I love it. The one thing that shits me off though is the horrid quality of the mix. What's going on there? you've probably posted it before but I'm lazy, wanna let me know what your using to record.

You need to sort it out. Cos I want Hi-Fidelity versions of these tracks, they are tops.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:36 pm
by petey
well basically I'm working in traktion. Its mackie designed software that came with our desk, I can't be bothered to buy/pirate a version of nuendo which is my favourite DAW.

I'm doing a real rough mix and then attempting to fix it by applying a mastering plugin on the main outputs haha.

Basically though the only reference I have are crappy headphones, a bloody live pa setup or my pc speakers. None of which I find it easy to mix on.

My actually AD/DA is a mackie onyx 1640 with firewire. I just run my guitars straight into the desk and have Guitar Rig 4 simulators going. Personally would much rather have a nice amp and mik it up however money and neighbours might disagree.

Also I have an Axiom25 for the midi stuff and it pretty much feels like crap, I find it impossible to actually play anything in time with it as the keys have latency (atleast it feels like it)

But the main issue I suppose is that I just start with one bit, then keep adding and it eventually becomes a bit of a tune and then I export. There is no organised write/record/mix/master schedule so some things tend to get left out or sound out of place.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:06 am
by El Kabong
My latest, GHR8. 8 because it's the 8th version of the song. I have no idea what GHR means anymore (started it last March) :melt: . It's actually two songs I was messing with and decided to combine. The last minute is the other song. Different but still with the same 'shuffle' type beat. I tied them together with a similar melody line. As with my other songs the guitars are live playing by me and the rest is piano-roll edited in the software (FL Studio). Feedback appreciated of course! ... ID=1146301

Re: Your creations

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:53 am
by El Kabong
Many thanks for listening. Thanks to your efforts GHR8 is currently #31 and rising in the rock guitar charts at SoundClick! :banana_guitar:

Much appreciated. :yes:

Re: Your creations

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:08 am
by Crowella
I'll post the band I'm in. Of The Red Sea. Should have done it earlier, we played a gig this morning (at 12am). Stupid tiredness

" onclick=";return false;

Re: Your creations

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 5:10 am
by El Kabong
The hits just keep coming! :D (or maybe it's more like: the hits just keep coming! :yikes: )

Click the link in my sig or the one below. Unlike the other songs which were as much an exercise in learning something about FL Studio as composing a song, this one is just having fun banging on the guitars. It's sort of a cover but not really. You can try to guess the original but good luck. It needs lyrics but that means me singing and I wouldn't subject my worst enemy to that. The song is "Song110324". I've given up trying to name them. It's just the date I uploaded it.

Hope you like. ... ID=1146301

Re: Your creations

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 1:17 pm
by petey
I had been compiling a cd from all of my 4 piece band type music that has been recorded recently. I realised I hadn't tried any new sounds or tricks for fun of late.

So heres something different...

Link :nod: :aussie:

Re: Your creations

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:33 pm
by Hz-Lab
Hey folks, well it's been a good few years since I made some music. So i "Felt the Urge" and had a crack at a little Dubsteppy/trancey number.

Feel free to have listen here
" onclick=";return false;

1st time attempt at the wubwubwubwubwubwub, pretty happy with what came out.

Re: Your creations

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 5:03 pm
by Vilante
Sounds pretty sweet dude :yes: