Oculus Rift

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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by wobblysauce »

You do need to take your time with it at the first stages.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by NeilPearson »

Dont try Travicalm, I found when I have those I get knocked out for hours.

Sounds interesting, I guess with more use you will get used to it. How does Minecraft play?
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DarrenM »

Haven't tried minecraft yet but it's high on the list. Found a few configuration things that might help with the nausea. Taking pills would be a last resort. Might try some ginger though. It worked for mythbusters :)

I have a hydra as well for head tracking but strapping it to the back of my head like I see people doing on youtube doesn't work for me. When I look up, it moves down which creates some odd movement. I think I'll try strapping it to the back of my neck or something so that it moves with my body but isn't affected by looking around.

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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Sarsippius »

I've had mine for a few days and my first experience had me worried whether I would be able to use it much at all. I seem to be one of the more sensitive people, trying the Tuscany demo any time I moved around, stop, start, strafing etc. I could feel like a wave of nausea hitting me. I think it's mostly the instant acceleration, turning with the mouse and climbing up and down the stairs was the same. A max of 5 minutes and I put it away.

I bought some Travacalm tablets and the pressure point wrist bands. There's 3 types of travacalm tablets, the ones with Dimenhydrinate are the ones that make you very drowsy so I went for the ones that are basically all ginger.

I had another go today and it was much more successful, took a couple tablets 30 mins before and put on the bands. Went to Tuscany first again but just took it very very easy, only head movement and moving in a straight line, closed my eyes any time I wanted to turn with the mouse. I also put the brightness down to 0 which also seemed to help, the first time round felt like the screen was burning into my brain :)
Things were going ok so I tried Titans of Space which has a kind of cockpit for visual reference and zooms around the planets. That goes for 15 minutes or so and I could handle that quite well. That was about 10 minutes ago and it took a few minutes for my eyes to readjust to focusing in the real world and I feel a little zoned out atm. I'm going to try and build up over time but not really sure if I'll ever be able to play any fps games much. No real nausea now but will have to experiment without the tablets or bands and see what works best, hopefully I can do without anything eventually. I also found I was getting a bit of eye strain during Titans of Space, I think this may be related to the resolution and the screen door effect.

Anyway I'm feeling much better about it now, can't wait to try iRacing. As you say Darren the dev version is going to be too low res but I think I should be able to handle car racing ok because you're fixed in the cockpit. I'm probably not as wowed as I could or should because of the issues I've had and the screen is the major limiting factor but I can see the consumer version is going to be something really special and I can see myself getting one just for iRacing alone.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by wobblysauce »

Sars, Yep just ease your self into it for like 5mins, 30-1hr doing something else and come back to it, then you can play for a bit longer and take shorter breaks.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Bauer »

wobbles the otolaryngologist nose best :up:

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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by NeilPearson »

How are you going with it darren? sars have you tried iRacing yet?

Im really tempted to get one....
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DarrenM »

I'm a little better with first person games but not much. Some I can play, some I can't. Seems to be down to controls and whether they've got the FOV right. It also seems better when your character changes momentum more slowly.

Ginger tablets seem to help a little, and any nausea I get clears away more quickly when I've taken some.

I found a torrent with 6Gb of demos in it and some of them make me want to puke almost immediately.
https://developer.oculusvr.com/forums/v ... =26&t=2348" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Far Cry 3 with the vireio driver feels fine, but half life 2 is bad. Hawken seems ok as well.

Minecraft has a pretty easy installer now. I'd say it's a mid range puke inducer. Walking about isn't too bad, but jumping/dropping down is so abrupt it's off putting. The game feels very different. You're view point is lower down and the blocks feel much larger when you're near them. The standard fov is pretty high though.

http://www.mtbs3d.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=142&t=17489" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Overall, I don't think I'd be able to switch to full time gaming in it. The resolution is just too low and the screen is slow. I can drive ok in iRacing, but it can be hard to make out corners and brake markers etc. Bit like driving sebring night I guess. You need to know the track well first.

Apparently it's possible to get live for speed working with the vireio driver as well. Needs a dx9 mod for lfs though. The virieo driver doesn't do 3d as well as native implementations though.

I'll be preordering the next version as soon as I can. The concept is definitely proven. It just needs a better screen.

I don't think 1080p would be enough. A 7" one of these please :)
[youtube] [/youtube]
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DarrenM »

Sars, see if the IPD config tool helps with your eye strain.

http://www.roadtovr.com/2013/07/16/meas ... ility-7132" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Woodee »

I wouldn't bother buying the dev version. Wait for the consumer model! :)
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Sarsippius »

I wanted to be in on this from the beginning but yeah for most people the consumer version will be the one to get.

Darren I think 1080 should be enough as it will also come with a decrease in the screen size, so the dpi increase will be twofold. Also apparently the dev version only uses the portion of the 7" screen equivalent to the original screen they designed it for which worsens the screen door effect. Of course I wouldn't object to something more than 1080 :)

Anyway I hope I didn't scare anyone off with my last post, I actually managed about an hour straight last night. Playing Proton Pulse which only uses head movement and then a space combat sim so I think it's just a matter of becoming accustomed to it. Funnily enough on the Oculus forum someone put forward Doom 3 as the game that helped them get acclimatised to the Rift when everything else was pretty bad so I'll give that a try and see how I go. I suspect it may be to do with being a predominantly dark environment and maybe also the older engine running more smoothly with high fps, maybe the latency is also very good.

Neil I'll be giving iRacing a go in the next few days when the update is released with native support :)
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DarrenM »

Yeah, I didn't realise they were dropping the screen size as well which would give 440 ppi. Not too bad I guess.

These look worth a try

" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://www.outerra.com/forum/index.php?topic=637.0" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

If you have a hydra
https://developer.oculusvr.com/forums/v ... =42&t=2915" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Sarsippius »

Well I gotta say iRacing on the Rift is fucking awesome!! :nod:
I spent nearly an hour at it tonight with little to no nausea and if not for the resolution I'd be switching full time right now. At one point I actually caught myself thinking 'I'm a racing car driver' lol, if I ever felt that before it must have been a long time ago because I don't remember.
Apart from the obvious all the little things really add up, like the way your real head moves around as you steer the car, this gets translated inside the game because the rift picks up every little movement. You also have the virtual head moving as the car moves around going over bumps etc. and the two combine to really give you that sense that your in a car hitting kerbs and being bumped around.
I also have to say that a force feedback wheel is a must when using the rift as the two really complement each other, seeing and feeling the car react at the same instant really adds to the immersion. I've read people say the same thing about simvibe and ffb so I want to get to mounting my transducers to my cockpit even more than before. I think Rift, FFB and Simvibe are going to be the holy trinity as far as sim racing is concerned.
Bring on the consumer Rift because I'm ordering the instant it goes on sale :nod: :D
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DexterPunk »

This may be enough to get my cockpit and wheel/pedals dusted off. I lost the passion somewhere for sim racing. I still love motorsport but something about it just got a bit bland. Keeping an eye on this... So to speak. :)

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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Righteous »

I agree Dex, I think the convenience of it actually appeals to me too. Because I run 2 giant 27inch monitors I need to run high resolutions for games and I need to move one of the monitors to the centre of my desk when I attach the wheel. It's probably one of the biggest deterrents for me. But if I can just attach the wheel and chuck on a headset, I think I'm way more likely to get back into sims. I don't think I would ever use rift for anything other than games where you're seated (Cars, Flights sims, etc) but I think it would be amazing for that.

When are they aiming to get a consumer version out?
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Scottie »

Sarsippius wrote:Well I gotta say iRacing on the Rift is fucking awesome!! :nod:
I spent nearly an hour at it tonight with little to no nausea and if not for the resolution I'd be switching full time right now. At one point I actually caught myself thinking 'I'm a racing car driver' lol, if I ever felt that before it must have been a long time ago because I don't remember.
Apart from the obvious all the little things really add up, like the way your real head moves around as you steer the car, this gets translated inside the game because the rift picks up every little movement. You also have the virtual head moving as the car moves around going over bumps etc. and the two combine to really give you that sense that your in a car hitting kerbs and being bumped around.
I also have to say that a force feedback wheel is a must when using the rift as the two really complement each other, seeing and feeling the car react at the same instant really adds to the immersion. I've read people say the same thing about simvibe and ffb so I want to get to mounting my transducers to my cockpit even more than before. I think Rift, FFB and Simvibe are going to be the holy trinity as far as sim racing is concerned.
Bring on the consumer Rift because I'm ordering the instant it goes on sale :nod: :D

I'm so glad to hear that Sarsi!!! Exactly what I had in my mind and why I started this thread to be honest! I'm surprised so many got the dev kit actually!

I can't wait!!
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by Leweegibo »

Had a go of a mates on the weekend then bit the bullet and ordered.
There had been 2 things holding me back, word of a dev kit V2 and the low res. The low res/screendoor is very noticeable but the way it works outweighs that for me.
Found a few posts about them concentrating on consumer version rather than a V2 dev kit so figured why not, as there are predictions for late 2014-2015 release for consumer as they wait for developers to get more games ready and working as well as technology for the best screens possible.
So decided i wanted to be part of this early-ish on as it is probably going to be a massive game changer. was a bit under $400 with conversion, which still makes me feel like a knob but decided to just called it my birthday pressie from the wife haha.

The wait for shipment is gonna be painful
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DarrenM »

Took a photo with my phone camera. Just above the left hand is the bit most in focus. That area is what the center of the screen is like when looking with your eye.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/63816631/irift.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Oculus Rift

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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by DarrenM »

Tried recording a video but my GS2 camera sucks. It couldn't quite keep up at 720p.

The fov is narrower with the camera than what you can see with your own eyes. When looking straight ahead I can easily see all of both front tyres and the mirrors of the lotus, though I'd have to move my head to get a good look in the mirrors.

I recorded a replay driven without the rift and I was holding the rift in my hands to do head movement so some of the movements are probably a bit weird.

480p version. I think it almost looks better with the blurriness getting rid of the screen door effect. Guess it's why some are using privacy screens or plastic bags to blur it a bit.
[youtube] [/youtube]

Short 720p clip. Might still be processing at the moment
[youtube] [/youtube]
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by norbs »

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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by wobblysauce »

Norbs, Scroll up.
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by GT VIRUS »

For any of the adelaidians going to the show, they have a Rift set up in the technology area (along with the awesome F1 in schools project)
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by norbs »

wobblysauce wrote:Norbs, Scroll up.
god damn it!!!! :fall: :D

It didn't load for me. The interwebz are broken. Look, over there!
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Re: Oculus Rift

Post by pab »

GT VIRUS wrote:For any of the adelaidians going to the show, they have a Rift set up in the technology area (along with the awesome F1 in schools project)
Ahh crap, now you tell me, AFTER we've been to the show!
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