Need help with Diet

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Need help with Diet

Post by GT VIRUS »

It's time to try a diet again, as my efforts to loose weight seem to be hampered at every point. So i'm wondering if anyone knows of a diet planner available online allowing meal selection, with the recipe and shopping list (preferably weekly)

Also, i've been flying around the country a bit recently, and this is hurting more and more each time, so any tips people have for eating right when away would help
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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by Santaria »

I've been using a plan called Nutrifit ($70) that is a lifestyle change instead of diet. I lost 2cms off my guts the first week. It's hard though as it cuts out sugar pretty much all together, but stick with it and you won't care after the first month.

It's proven that if you do something for a month, it's habit forming. So at the least, stick out whatever your doing for a month.

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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by smithcorp »

Mate, try this:" onclick=";return false;

Is working for me - 10kg off and easy to follow. You just eat 600 calories 2-3 non-consecutive days per week, then eat normally the other days. It works. Several friends of mine are now doing it too, including ones who were skeptical (two of them work for Dept of Health in Canberra). Science-based, easy to follow for as long as you need it.

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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by Vilante »

I always tell people that if they like meat that they should buy the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet book.

It's a low carb (but you still get to eat them) high protein diet that's focused on health as well as losing weight and gives you the knowledge to eat well (there are chapters and chapters explaining the diet) and be healthy, while still enjoying your life. You get to have low fat ice cream a few nights a week which I love.

I've tried crazy low carb diets but they just make you hate yourself and I always come back to the CSIRO one.

I'm 77kg at the moment which is about 5kg up from normal because I've been lazy lately but I was 95kg before I found the diet.
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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by pab »

Shaun, I'm happy to talk diet at Mallala next week if you like.

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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by Bauer »

Best advice I can give:

You dont eat the junk food that you dont like so dont eat the healthy foods that you dont like either.
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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by markus »

1) Get a pushbike
2) Ride 10000km/year
3) Eat what you want and loose weight like a boss
Much cycling such kilometers.
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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by pab »

Yeah, there you go, you could ride over the Broadford in a couple of weeks :) :bike:
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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by ysu »

markus wrote:1) Get a pushbike
2) Ride 10000km/year
3) Eat what you want and loose weight like a boss
Somewhat similar to what I was going to propose;
just replace 1 & 2 with
do some serious rock climbing daily :)

In all seriousness, some good exercise should help a lot, rather than trying decide what not to eat. And I don't mean half an hour in the gym, but something serious like these above.
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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by nutty »

I’ve lost almost 50kg in the last 9 months, its super easy man it’s just about discipline.
I’ll run through what did it for me, but you need to find your own way... im happy to answer any questions

IMHO Fad diets don't last, sure some people lose some weight but in the end most people bounce back.

The key is finding something that suits you, for me it clicked when I understood calories in, calories out...

I then read a lot, made some hard and fast rules and just worked my ass off to speed up the process.

1) Understand good/bad food... I mean these sounds easy but there were plenty of things I felt where "healthy" but in the end they weren’t, I used and just random bits of info from the net (I can go into more detail if you like)

2) Make a meal plan, shop every Sunday for the week (see an example below)

3) The main part of my meal plan is no carbs after lunch, you can read heaps on the net about carb's being bad... but the fact is I didnt exercise much in the afternoon so having carbs sit in my belly all night did nothing good for me.
This also stops you having big pasta/rice meals for dinner, and forces you into meat + salad/vegs

3) No Empty Calories, this is the big one.. no shitty soft drinks cause im feeling down in the afternoon. I had black coffee, or green tea.

4) drink heaps of water, it keeps you full all day

Here is a meal plan I used for most of it, I often switched breakfast up and made omlets with spinach/tomato/onion and mushrooms and no bread.
Then for lunch/dinner I would stay away from sauce (tomato is basically pure sugar) and use spice (my local markets has heaps of cool spice mixes)

Meal Plan
Monday & Tuesday

Breakfast: - 2 egg white + 1 whole egg with 1 multigrain piece of bread (avocado & pepper)

2-3 hours later…

Morning Tea: - Protein shake or Vaalia natural yogurt (150-175g) + banana or apple

2-3 hours later…

Lunch: - lean meat (palm size) + veggies or salad (no carbs)

2-3 hours later…

Arvo Tea: - Protein shake or handful of almonds or can of tuna/salmon + celery & carrot sticks with


2-3 hours later…

Dinner: - Same as lunch

Wednesday & Thursday

- Same as Monday and Tuesday

- For lunch add 50g of sweet potato

Friday and Saturday

Breakfast:- 2 slices of LEAN bacon (no rind) or ham and ½ cup of oats with low fat milk. The rest

of the day is the same as mon and tues.
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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by wobblysauce »

The word 'diet' needs to be removed.

As that is just short term.
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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by GT VIRUS »

I've picked up the CSIRO book, so will be giving that a read then starting on it when I understand it I think. Thanks for the tips
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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by Vilante »

Hope you like it GT. Don't forget to get out and exercise. At first you'll only need a small amount but you'll probably want to ramp it up as you lose weight :)
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Re: Need help with Diet

Post by Speed »

In Summary

It must be lifestyle you can maintain & not quick "diet" to lose weight & go back to what you were doing.
I think people really make it more difficult in their minds than it is.
As Nutty says it's just calories in versus calories out, plain and simple. (Good work Nutty).

The rules I follow myself (I'm 64 kilos) are
Don't eat between's o.k. to be hungry.
Don't eat take away unless absolutely necessary. Maybe once in a couple of weeks
Limit your alcohol to 3 or 4 drinks a week
Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, even if it's only a walk.

The Calorie King dietclub utility is awesome & basically tells you approximately what you calorie intake for your weight, age, gender, height, should be.
It also has many calorie contents for hundreds of foods & you can easily add your own. Once you've been using it for a while it takes less than 30 seconds a day to keep track of your eating." onclick=";return false;
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