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Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:13 pm
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Post by Sarsippius »

I just binged this over the long weekend and holy shit what a great show. I went into it pretty cold, I thought it had a slight supernatural bent but it's actually more sci-fi, however to think of it as sci-fi would give you totally the wrong impression of what it's like. I was totally hooked from the first episode, it's just so deep, slowly pulling back layer after layer, each time a new character is introduced I'm thinking shit there's even more to this.

Highly recommended from me, I think you'll work out pretty quickly from the first episode if it's something you're into. :yes:

One thing I would suggest though is to concentrate on the character names, including family names as there's a lot of connections between characters and you see past events with present day characters when they're children so it helps tying things together. I tend to gloss over character names when watching most things so I had to play a bit of catch up 3 or 4 episodes in to understand who was who when seeing their younger selves.
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